Toph x Aang (Part 4)

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Aang’s Point of View
Aang and Toph were making sand sculptures. As Aang was making Appa he heard Toph call,
“Hey Aang! Come look at my sand bending.” He walked over, Toph bended the sand to make it look like
the Earth Kingdom. “Wow! You even made a little Earth King and Bosco!” Aang stared at it in awe. “Yeah well look at this!” Sokka called. He pointed at his
sculpture. “Is that a blubbering blob monster?” He guessed staring at the strange thing. “NO, IT’S SUKI!”
Sokka yelled. Aang and Toph laughed. “Suki, we’ll all understand if you break up with him over this.”
Toph had said. “I think it’s sweet.” She replied, a smile on her face. Sokka slid over and kissed her on the
“What? But it doesn’t even look like-” Aang screamed as fire blasted the sand and ruined
Sokka’s sculpture. Aang ran, as Zuko jumped at him, blasting fire midair. Zuko’s fire ruined Toph’s Earth
Kingdom. Aang hid behind his Appa sculpture. “What are you doing.” Aang’s voice shook with fear.
“Teaching you a lesson!” Zuko yelled. He blasted more fire, knocking down the Appa sculpture. Aang ran
up the hillside, towards the house. He jumped from a rock to a palm tree, clinging to it. He jumped from
the tree to the house balcony as Zuko shot more fire.
Aang was on the roof, Zuko climbed up moments later. “Get a grip before I blast you off this
roof!” He changed his stance. “Go ahead and do it!” Zuko blasted more fire. Aang slid down the roof and
pulled himself into a window. He hid behind a dresser, his breathing heavy. Zuko blasted fire and leaped
down into the room Aang was it. Aang kicked the dresser to Zuko, only to find that he destroyed it with
the heat. Aang slid out into the hall, meanwhile, Zuko followed. He lit the whole hallway on fire. Fear
shined in his eyes, Aang used air to put out the fire below him so he could land.
“Enough!” He blasted air at Zuko, knocking him off his feet and launching him out of the house.
Aang leaped down from the balcony. “What’s wrong with you?! You could have hurt Aang!” Katara
yelled at Zuko, the rest of the gang joining. “What’s wrong with me?! What’s wrong with all of you! How
can you sit around having beach parties while Sozin’s comet is only three days away!” Zuko snapped.
“Why are you all looking at me like I'm crazy...?” He asked moments later, when nobody responded.
“About Sozin’s comet... I was actually gonna to wait to fight the fire lord until after It came...”
Zuko looked shocked, “After?” Aang stepped forward, “I’m not ready, I need more time to master fire
bending.” His face looked concerned. “And frankly, your Earth bending could still use some work, too.” Toph piped in. “So, you all knew Aang was going to wait?” Zuko asked. “Honestly, if Aang tries to fight
the fire lord right now, he’s going to lose.” Sokka pointed out. “No offence.” He added. “The whole point
to defeat the fire lord before the comet was to stop the fire nation from winning the war.” Katara
stepped forward. “But they pretty much won the war when they took Ba Sing Se. Things can’t get any
worse.” Katara looked down.
“You’re wrong.” Zuko spoke. “It’s about to get worse than you could ever imagine. The day
before the eclipse my father asked me to attend an important war meeting. It was what I’d dreamed
about and wanted for so many years. My father had finally accepted me back. I wanted to speak out
against this horrifying plan, but I'm ashamed to say I didn’t. My whole life, I’ve struggled to gain my
father’s love and acceptance. But once I had it, I realized I’d lost myself getting there. I’d forgotten who I
was.” Zuko told the story of how his father was going to burn down the earth kingdom.
“I can’t believe this...” Katara had fell to her knees. “I always knew the Fire lord was a bad guy.
But his plan is just pure evil.” Sokka spoke, shocked. “What am I gonna do?” Aang asked. “I know you’re
scared, and I know you’re not ready to save the world. But if you don’t defeat the fire lord before the
comet comes, there won’t be a world to save anymore.” Zuko told Aang. After a speech on how we
could do this, the gang went in for a hug. Except Zuko, he stayed back.
“Get in here Zuko, being part of the group means being part of the group hugs.” Katara told him.
Zuko made a face before slowly walking over and joining the hug.

-Thanks for reading! (I posted this at 1:40 am where I live so im a bit tired. Hope there isn't mistakes!) Hope you enjoyed.-

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