Chapter Nine

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I went home after the small get together, the sun had just began to go down around seven thirty if i read the clock correctly. The house was quiet, just as it always had been, i stepped into the front door and closed it silently behind me. 

"Dad?" i called for him as i walked through the house. "Dad are you home?" i spoke louder.

As i walked in the kitchen i noticed it was spotless, the kitchen table was clear of the normal paper work and food, the counters were sparkling and all of the dishes were put away. The air smelled like mango's and other fruits i couldn't quite put my finger on, this was odd but i liked it. There was no junk or miscellaneous objects, except for one paper sitting partially under the flower vase my mother had bought years ago and that my dad had refused to replace.

I leaned over the table and removed the paper from underneath the vase, holding the paper in my right hand i began to read it out-loud.

"Emily there has been trouble with your uncle, i had to leave quickly to take care of him, i should be home late tonight, but most likely when your home from school tomorrow, call me whenever you like, i cleaned the house for you. Love dad.." 

I stared at the paper for a little longer reading over all of the words to myself in my head. My uncle lived two hours away in fortville, i never saw him but my father would go see him from time to time, i wondered what happened for my dad to leave so suddenly, but never mind that, i had the house to myself. I hung my back pack on one of the chairs and kicked my shoes off underneath it and looked around. It was quiet in my house on a normal basis, but never this quiet, my dad usually had the radio playing on low, or the tv blaring a sports channel. The sun had gone all the way down now, and it was pitch black outside.

As i stood in the kitchen i felt the hairs on the back of my neck spike up, goosebumps scattered along my arms and made me cringe, i could sense something, feel almost a presence somewhere near. I looked slowly to my right, where the window over the kitchen sink was, and there it was. The ghost like figure in the reflection standing behind me. I gasped and dropped my phone, stumbling into my kitchen table i closed my eyes. I took a few seconds before opening them again, when i looked into the windows reflection, the black mist was gone. I let out a hoarse shaky breath and bent over to pick up my phone.

Living in the middle of nowhere had its ups and its downs, being home alone and a teenager in the creepy woods, i had never really been afraid of it, but with these strange sensations of being followed, i couldn't help but be afraid. So i tried to distract myself, pulling my phone out of my bag i checked my messages, there were three.

one from Malina okay he's hella hot, you two aren't even dating and already look so freaking cue together omggg i cant handle this. stop growing up so fast, aye text me back as soon as you can we gotta talk more about the group trip this weekend.

Then there was one from my boss Emily can you come in on Thursday night, Kendall butted out and now i have to hire another worker. Please give me a ring or text me the answer it would be such a large help, and more pay ;) thank youu.

And the last one was from a unknown number, i opened it read the message, Hey its Brennan... I had alot of fun with you and your friend today, but i was wondering if we could maybe hang out alone so we can get to know each other more, i love your company :) 

This was an opportunity that i needed to take, i could feel the mist of the ghost like figure lurking near, i don't know how but that chilling feeling never left me. I didn't care who it was, someone had to come over and be with me right now. I knew Malina was still at cheer practice, so there was no hope for her, just like Jason, who was at football practice as well. So my last hope was the only other person besides my father who talked to me, Brennan.

I defiantly wanted to spend more time hanging alone with him, he was a really nice guy and he seemed like he had good intentions, my dad wasn't home, so maybe if i invited him over we could talk more, i clicked the respond button and began typing 'hey i had a great time with you to, i want to see you again, do you maybe want to come to my house right now? my dad isn't home, but he will be home in like an hour or two.

I lied about my father coming home, so Brennan would know not to try anything stupid, but honestly i didn't worry about that as much. I had this strange feeling inside me, something that i never had felt before. Normally i wouldn't dare invite a boy over, normally i wouldn't even think about inviting a boy over when my father wasn't home, that was like sending a nuke off in my good girl reputation. But something told me that Brennan was different, i ached for him to be near me, that was the only scary part, but the weird thing was i liked it. I needed someone to chase away this fear of being watched by that black figure, who i could still feel lurking near me... And getting closer. I had to have someone here with me, and Brennan seemed to be a force field of protection against that darkness. 

my cell phone buzzed and i opened the message fast, that sounds awesome! whats your address ill come over now!

I quickly typed it in, 798 rose Dr.

he responded just as fast.

awesome ill be there in ten, see you in a few.

I set my phone down on the kitchen table and ran up the stairs. I quickly changed out of my school clothes in to comfortable home clothes, as in a cuter jeans and a t shirt that wasn't as tight on me. I took my hair down from the half up tye and let it fall around my shoulders. Then i sprayed my body with a strawberry body spray and put some lip gloss on my lips to give them some shine. After my quick clean up i walked down the stairs and found a spot on the couch and sat down. I didn't care all to much for my appearance but i still wanted to look decent. But more importantly, i just wanted someone here to chase away the darkness that was getting closer to me.

So i waited for the ten minutes to tick by.

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