chapter six

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Two weeks, day two before

Lounging in the chair next to me was Jason, holding his cell phone under the table and out of our teachers sight. I was slouching over my desk with my arms holding my chin up, the lesson in this history class dragged on and on. Almost every student in the room was batteling the nauseous waves of sleep that tugged at their eyelids. Except me, i was wide awake. Which was surprising considering i had absolutely no sleep the night before today.

For the passed two months of my life, ive been having the same reoccurring dreams. My whole life ive only dreamt of tragic things, never once did anyone join me in the midst of my imagination, but two months ago that all changed.

I was consumed with terror from my childhood, this fear that i couldn't seem to escape, when i noticed a new presence nearing the clearing. I was standing by a large oak tree and i wasnt a child as i normally was in all of the night mares. My gray dress was torn at the leg and my hair was a mess around my face, i tripped over a stone and stumbled into this tree, and thats when i noticed him watching me. Half of his body was hidden by yet another tree, he wore a black shirt half buttoned, exposing his pale chest. Black suit pants and a long brown jacket covered him, the tips of his black hair hung ever so slightly over his eyebrows and marble eyes.

Our gazes locked and that's when he moved like a ghost towards me. I gasped as he approached me.  The memory of this dream made me close my eyes, i almost didnt notice the long fingers cupping my chin and gripping my neck, i opened my eyes quickly and jumped out of my seat. Stumbling backwards into the wall full of books, papers and pens fell around me as i smashed into it. Everyone in the classrooms head shot up and turned in their seat to look back at me. Jason was just as stunned as everyone else when i nearly knocked him out of his own chair in my desperate attempt to get up. My breathing was heavy as i tried to edge myself deeper into the wall. Then the black hooded figure vanished like vapor becoming a mist, and disapeared in to the ground.

I blinked several times in horror, and that's when my history teacher had me by the arms, hauling me towards the door to get me out of this embarrassing moment. Jason gripped my body.

"Mr pevansee i got it, i got her"

"Are you sure Jason?" he said struggling to hold my weight, he was a short man and very skinny.

"Yes i got her." when Jason said this he cupped my body into his arms and cradaled me out of the room.

"Take her to the nurses office." Mr pevensee shouted while Jason carried me out.

I was to shaken up to care that i was being held against my friends chest, he held me firmly and didnt say anything. Jason knew about my panic attacks and my ptsd, he took the crazy with the fake normalization. I wouldn't have normally done what i did, but the hooded figure was still dancing with my fears inside my head. So i burried my face into Jason's chest and shut my eyes.

Two hours later

I could feel my heartbeat slowing as my sight came more clear. The room was spinning slowly, and with each turn it forced me to turn on my side and hitch my throat. The urge to vomit was heavy in my stomach, but i beat against it and corould myself back onto the small bed. Paper crunched as i moved my body, so this must have meant that i was in the nurses office.

"You're awake" jason said in a tired voice.

I blinked three times and then looked at him. He was sitting with his legs stretched out underneath the table with his arms crossed over his chest.

"How long have i been out for?"

He leaned forward with a cheesy smile " well you got me out of a chemistry test."
Chem was our sixth hour, "what? We missed the rest of the day"

"Yes. Nice stunt you pulled back There." he was obviously trying to make light of the situation.

That's when. I remembered that i freaked the frick out in third hour.

"Oh my gosh." i sighed and threw myself back down flat on the bed.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Don't worry about it !? Are you kidding me?"

"Everyone knows what happened to you, everyone knows why this happens."

Like that made me feel any better. The whole school already knew that I've been messed up for years, with my mothers death, with the kidnapping, and the bad dreams every night. I was a wreck, and i would probably fall apart at any moment. I went over these thoughts silently to myself while Jason looked at me with questions raising on his face.

"Em, i promise you that this will all go away and no one will care, i bet the kids in that class have their own crap to worry about that they don't care about what happened." He put his hand on my leg and stared me in the face.

My eyes found where his hand was layed, then followed his arm up to his face, he was trying to be sentimental. I couldn't decide whether or not i wanted to bat his hand away, call him stupid for thinking that this would all go away, or yell at him for basically claiming me in front of the whole school while he carried me to the nurses office, but all i could muster up through this heap of emotion was,

"Thanks.. for getting me out of there Jason.. Really thank you."

A small smile hinted at the curve of his lips, "Anytime Eminem".

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