Chapter Eleven

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The movie we had picked was an old fashion classic favorite, Halloween. Michael Meijir's was my favorite killer, always had been and always would be. The movie Halloween was everything fall had to be, the leafs, the crisp nights. My favorite was leaving the screen doors open with no light but just candles on the tables and by the windows lit. My mother used to do that when i was young.

Dinner would be cooking, the sun would be setting, leaning beautiful orange colors across my living room floor. Candles would be lit just as the sun was going down, and it always put me at ease. My most cherished times with my mother was when we would eat dinner in the dark, and watch movies. It was a way of remembrance, but it was my own secret, and my hobby.

Me and Brennan gathered blankets and soda, with a large bowl of popcorn and plopped down in front of the flat screen. He schooched in close to me and dug his hand into the popcorn, i laughed. 

"What?" he smiled.

"You re just kind of funny."

"I don't understand how" stuffing his face with a handful of popcorn.

I opened the coke can with a crack and pulled my blanket over my legs with my free hand. Brennan continued to eat popcorn as i pressed play on the remote. We were only twenty minutes in and making fun of the movie. The night was filled with laughs and smiles. We mocked the monsters in the movies and the slow irritating girls that were absolutely senseless while escaping the killer. Which the almost always never did.

Towards the end of the movie i could feel myself begin to drift into a disoriented sleep, i ended up leaning on Brennan. My head was buried into his neck and i could feel him tilt his head down on top of mine. I closed my eyes and curled in closer as a natural sleep instinct. He continued to watch the movie as i dozed off. But later on a scare made him jolt, this waked me right away. 

"Im sorry i woke you, i was trying not to. I was falling asleep a bit myself."

I stared at him with hazy eyes and batted the hair out of my face "Its okay, what time is it?"

"Time that i should probably go, your dad could be home soon."

I forgot i told him my dad would be home in two hours. He got to his feet and took my hands pulling me up. We gripped our sweaters and walked down my front porch and to my driveway.

He stood by his truck door for a moment and stared at his feet, then looked up at me. 

"Thank you for letting me come over tonight. I really enjoyed myself."

I was curled up in my sweater with my blanket rapped around my shoulders,  i could see that it was very difficult for him to decide on whether or not he wanted to go for the guns and try and kiss me again, or leave me with a hug. But he ended up being a gentlemen and walked away with just giving me a tight embrace. The closeness of his massive body startled me, but comforted me all in once sitting. He smelled like pine trees, and fire places on a winter night, i enjoyed it very much.

But i knew that this happiness was to good to be true, he would disappear soon, him leaving came all to quickly as he got into his truck. I watched the back lights of his truck fade in the dark night as he drove away, the further away he got, the more the recent anxiety i had before he came had returned. But i was outside and open to anything, unsafe, unprotected. so i turned around and headed back inside in a rush.


Once i was in my bed that night i didn't recall much, i drifted from the stairs to my bed in a foggy blur. My body was pulled to lay down almost like i was being forced by invisible hands, something was guiding me to sleep. I was in such a hypnotic state of mind, that i didn't even pull the covers up over my body, i just fell into a very dark sleep...

Seconds passed as the light poured into my mind, i blinked several times as i looked around at my surroundings.  Tall trees sprawled in every way above my head, tangling in each others branches and forming a dark cover of lush green leafs. The air was fresh, and mist filled my senses with the morning dew that always came with a sunrise. 

I stood still for a few moments, only staring around at the beauty that took place. The ground was dark green and brown, the bushes lined along side the trees and were all scattered around me. I must have been in the middle of the forest, deep in the forest. But i didn't care. i didn't bother to question why i was here or how i had got here, or even who put me here.  Every night i was put into a nightmare, but this time it was different, i enjoyed being here. I was happy.

I took a few steps and began to slowly drift through the trees, a dress was surrounding my ankles, and it fell perfectly behind me as it dragged in the grass. My hair was down and curling around my neck, it was a mess but that didn't matter. The woods seemed to go on forever, an absent empty void of longing for peace had been crushed as i walked through this place. Feeling as if i had just arrived home after not being there for a long time. I felt safe.

I could hear water in the distance running, so a river must've been near. My body absent mindlessly followed it, wherever it was.

I had a strange sensation that i wasn't alone here, i could feel the hairs on the back of my neck prick up and slowly rise as the chills of this new presence scattered along my skin. But i had kept walking along. Nothing scared me here. Making my way to wherever this water was. It took me a few extra minutes to actually find it, as i had to avoid stepping on things with my bare feet. Rocks stabbed at them, but didn't leave any marks. 

Once i found the small running river, i knealed down by the small creek, and glided my fingers along the surface of the water. This small area was rather interesting, i held up my dress and stepped across the rocks and stood in the middle of the creek. The water moved around me quickly. I made a map in my head of where exactly this creek was because i knew that once i left it i was going to return again some day. My dress was beginning to soak in the tips, this aggravated me. 

I knelt down and gripped one of the sharp edged stones out of the water, and cut  a few inches off of my dress, taring it around my ankles. But as i ripped the last shred off of my dress, a dark voice sounded behind me.

"Mmm, what a shame.." 

I turned around quickly.

"That dress was ravishing..."

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