chapter four

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I watched her, as i sat behind the tinted window. This mystery girl, was curled up in a large chair. A book was on the top of her knees, and cupped in her hands was a cup of hot chocolate. She wore jeans, and a linen sweater. Her jacket sat beside the chair with her faded brown bag, she looked like an angel.

I watched the way she looked at things, the way she laughed silently to herself. Noting every small detail, the way the lose strands of hair fell in her eyes, and how she batted them out of her way, the way she held her breath when she read intense moments. Her eyes lit up occasionally, sometimes she would lift up her head, sometimes she would close her eyes. She stayed in that library for hours, reading intently, only making a few moves, and that was to pick up her hot chocolate and press it to her lips. Her lips were full, a light pink, and from the distance, i could still tell that they were soft, and very addicting.

Everything about her was ravishing, her eyelashes, her skin, her long curls. I needed to be closer, but that thought terrified me. Her smell suffocated my senses already from this distance, its like she was luring me in, but i couldn't give in.

If i gave in now i would murder her, the poor thing wouldn't even see it coming. I could easily get her alone, i could play it easy and talk with her, get her to follow me into a dark area. Her better judgement would be nagging at her the whole entire time, but my fingers curled around her small hands would pull her further into the trap that i lay. She wouldn't be able to scream. Ide rip through her neck before she could get a single whimper to escape from that beautiful throat.

I could make it quick, and snatch her now. But that would slow the process as the other humans desperately tried to stop me. Some might have even tried to get the police involved, but i would tare them into threads. I wouldn't want any distractions, i would want this girl to myself, i would want to enjoy the taste of her blood.

But i couldn't.

I had to fight this terrifying urge to ruin this perfect human being. This girl that has held my interest for so long. Why was it her, why did it have to be her that i want so badly to kill, but protect at the same time. I want to keep her as my own personal item, but i want to drink from her as well. I want all these things that i simply cannot have.

From the moment i met her as a child in the woods, i knew that she was going to be imprinted in my mind for eternity. If only i could force myself to forget her the way i forced her to forget me. But that would just be to easy, loss of memory would be to kind for a monster like me. Instead, im stuck with this constant pull at my insides, my chest bursting with flames every time i see her walk, or the whiff of her sent riding on the wind to my face.

I had to leave, i had to get out of her, my thoughts were crippling me. Standing up from the bench i sat on across the street, i gripped the side of the metal and held myself there. I had to get myself together before i made another move, or else i would run through the glass and rip her apart.

My body tensed as i felt a sudden rise of feeling that i hadn't felt in years. Fear. I slowly looked up, my eyebrows narrowed as i looked around the scene to find what caused this strange human feeling. Then it all came flashing back. It was Emily's anxiety, she sat up in her chair, her legs were no longer crossed, but planted firm on the ground.

She was hesitant, unsure, i had to see what was the matter, but i couldn't risk getting closer to her, i would kill her. I couldn't get closer.

So i listened, focusing passed the traffic and the wind around me trying to cloud my hearing. Zoning in on the building she was in, i imagined what it might sound like in there, and stared closely at the scene.

A man in a tan jacket was standing at the book shelf in front of her, his facial expressions were turned up into a evil grin like stair, his mouth was moving quickly. I noticed he had a beer bottle in his right hand, and his jean pocket was full of something that was to large to fit in the tiny pouch, it was sticking out underneath his jacket, My hearing cleared up and i could finally hear what was going on.

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