chapter eight

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It took us ten more minutes to get to the famous coney island, the only fun restaurant in our small town that wasn't a nearly runned down diner or coffee shop. It was set in the middle of the square, where our speedway was and packed as usual, being the only working gas station for miles. When i parked my truck in the one lane isle i squeezed in next to malina's old 97 camaro, it was a flashy red color with tee tops.

Brennan hopped out of the truck and ran around the front to open my door for me. He pulled it open and held out his hand with a joking smile while looking at me. I gawked at his posture and laughed.

"Chivalry exists"

He took my hand and guided me out of my seat to stop me from stumbling.

"Ive been getting out of that seat for almost a year now"

"You're also a lady if im not mistaken,"he said as he let go of my hand and stuffed them in his pockets.

"Yeah, last time i checked" we both shared a small chuckle.

He held the Door open for me as we walked into the Coney island and then we gathered around, i was in search for malina.

"Hi my names Rae how can i help you this fine evening?" a young waitress said wearing a white t shirt and a green apron around her waist.

"I'm actually here to meet someone" i said softly.

"Emily!" malina shouted from nowhere.

I was suddenly knocked into Brennan as Malia stumbled into me.

"Where in the hell have you been!? I've been sitting here for almost a whole hour waiting to order, you better not have gone to the damn library, because library time isn't human time no matter what you say its still an eternity"

She stopped mid lecture when she noticed Brennan standing behind me. "Oh... Whose this?" she questioned in a flirty tone.

I collected myself, "this is Brennan"

"You never told me about this", she whispered hinting while raising one eyebrow.

Brennan chuckled.

"Hi Brennan I'm Malina, Eminem's best friend."

"Malina"i hissed.

"Eminem?" Brennan laughed and looked at me.

"Its my nick name." i said in agony.

"Only the nickname ive been using for her since like diapers."

"I hate it" i said under my breath.

"Well i think that it is cute. Like you" Brennan said.

This sent butterfly's through my stomach and i began to blush.

Malina saw this little interaction "ooooohoohoo" she nudged my arm.
The waitress sauntered off elsewhere when she realized we had a table waiting for us already, malina took my hand and strolled along to it, with Brennan walking like a beauty behind us. We sat down then and got situated, i was against the window in the small booth with Brennan sitting next to me, malina insisted that happen. She then took up the seat across from us, setting down her purse and leaning on her elbows.

"So, how did you two meet?" she winked at me and i sighed.

"My truck spun out on the way to school yesterday, he and his friend mark helped me out of it and checked to see if i was okay."

"Oh, so Edward Cullen of you Brennan." she laughed.
"I'm gonna pretend i know who that is." he said with a confused smile, arching one of his eyebrows.

"Have you seen twilight?" she gasped.
"Is he the leading role?" Brennan questioned.

"Yes Mr Edward can bite me whenever Cullen."

"Anyway..." i interrupted, "i found out that he goes to our school, we bumped into each other today, got talking and now we're here."

"Oh so this is like a 'come along why not' type thing, i get it. Well Brennan tell us about you."

Brennan went to speak but was interrupted by a waitress, she was an older women and clearly frustrated.

"I see you're group is here now, can i take your order?" her voice was monotone and dull, Malina laughed under her breath.

"You lost absolutely can, i will take a salad and lemonade please."

The waitress jotted it down "and you?" she motioned to me and looked up once.

"Um, off the top of my head, chicken strips, fries and... A soda. Please?"

"Alright" she looked up now with softer eyes, "and for the man?"

"Oh. Just mozzarella sticks and water." he flashed his pearly whites to her and it was obvious she melted on the inside.

"Is that all?" she said to us.

We all said a string of yes's at once and then she walked back to the kitchen. Malina zoned in on Brennan, "so. Life story, spill."

Brennan took the threat in her peppy voice seriously and began to speak.

"Um. I was born in Lexington Kentucky, i was an orphan for two-years, i was adopted when i was three, i never knew my real parents, they both died before i was old enough to gather memories of them. I'm not much of a sports fan, and i just go to school. There is nothing more to know."

I starred at him in awe, he was adopted, he lost his mother and father, he's been through alot at such young ages, there had to be more to him.
"What's your favorite color?" Malina spat, "don't say Brown."

"My favorite color is ocean blue."

"Fancy." Malina quickly came up with something else, "douche bag test, would you rather cheat on your significant other or kill an innocent cat?"

"Malina what the hell?" i laughed.

"Defiantly cheat on my girlfriend i would never kill an innocent."

"Damn. He's really got his life together, i bet your socks even match." she teased.

We all giggled. It took fifteen minutes for the food to come in and during that time we chatted and shared small talk. Malina did the phyco test on Brennan and informed me that he passed and is qualified to date me. That made everything a bit awkward, but Brennan scooched closer to me during the wait. When the food came we all stuffed our faces. Conversing about how bad the schools lunch food is and everything that was actually really crappy about our school. This brought us to the weekend and what we were all doing, which was ironically absolutely nothing. Brennan mentioned the town next to us had a fair going on, he suggested that we all go. Malina immediately accepted, Brennan said that he would bring his friend Mark along, the guy who helped him look over my truck. This made Malina excited, "so it's settled then, this weekend we all go to the fair."

"Emily, can i have your number, so i can contact you?" he pulled his phone out and set it on the table.

"Oh sure of course." Malina watched with googly eyes while i added myself to the contacts.

It soon came time to leave, me, Malina and Brennan all walked out to our vehicles.

"I'm really excited for this weekend.." i said to Brennan when he took my hand.
"As am i, look Emily I'm going to stay in town a bit, Mark is going to come get me, i will see you tomorrow?"

"Yea, and this weekend." i said with a smile.

"Its a date then?" he questioned.

"Its a date then." i said lightly, and with a smirk.

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