prolouge part three

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But nothing was opened, she only heard voices, a new voice.

"I have what you asked for." Mr kidnapper said, his tone almost sounded nervous,

There was a long silent before a different voice joined in "I hope so."

This mans voice was young, but authoritative, which didn't make sense.

"I hope you like it" then the door slid open.

Emily jumped at the man kicking and punching, trying to get passed him to make a break for it, but the kidnapper caught her, and shoved her even harder back into the van. Banging her head against the ground, she backed up on the edge of her palms and continued to hug herself against the corner of the van. She looked through her hair which was a mess, and saw for the first time the man that the new voice belonged to.

He was beautiful, he didn't look real. His hair was a glossy black color and slicked back. His eyes glistened like blue ruby's, but faded grey as something new came across his expression. He was tall and slender but also built, she could tell through his black coat and his blue jeans. This man didn't look like any other grown up that she had seen before, everything about him spoke different, and dangerous. But there was this unknown comfort to that danger that she felt from him. His body was young, but the way his expression was made to look, and the hue of his eyes, made her think of someone from an old twenty's movie she had seen with her grandmother.

"This? This is a child!" his eyes burned with a fire as he spoke with such bitterness, she swore he had venom in his tone.

Mr kidnapper stepped back as he rose his voice, nerves became him, and Emily could see him shaking in fear behind his calm appearance.

"You said bring you anything that was easy to overpower?" his voice shook.

The angelic man stepped towards him, causing the kidnapper to trip backwards. Bearing his broad shoulders the boy  changed his expression, and made it look like that of a monsters. "She is an innocent. You... have failed me" his said in almost a growl.

"But master! I can go again! i can find you something else! Please don't kill me, please i beg you-"

"Why should i let you live? You have nothing to live for, you are a pathetic waste of air, a walking blood bag!" the boy spat.

"I can do better" The kidnapper actually began to sob.

"You have killed children, you are a waste of life." the boy hissed.

The angelic mans expression became soft once more, he looked at the man, and then looked at Emily who was still cowering inside the van. He brought his hand up slowly and guided it over the kidnappers head, patting it gently as he used his other hand to close the van door. But before he closed it, he whispered to Emily, "Cover your ears child."

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