Chapter Fourteen: A Pawn in Their game

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Bella's hands flew to her mouth to stop her from gasping. Demetri was gone; dead. The smell of smoke filled up Bella's nostrils. They were burning his body. Bella bit her lip and started to advance away from the door. If her masters found out she was here, there was a chance they would kill her too.

"Not so fast, Isabella.." Bella kept walking but a hand grabbed her arm tightly and dragged her back. Bella struggled under Felix's grip, but he was older and way stronger. Bella raised her other arm and punched Felix in the face.

He wasn't too happy about that. Felix picked Bella up by her neck, holding her in the air. Bella was limp in his grasp. He carried her back into the throne room, throwing her against the wall for good measure. Bella groaned.She raised her head, slowly started to sit up. Felix walked back over to her and smashed her head into the wall.

"Enough, Felix." Felix kicked Bella, her body sliding across the marble floor towards Aro. Bella stayed on the ground, her eyes staring directly at Aro's shoes. She was scared to look up. Aro's finger pulled up her chin and he gave Bella a devilish smile. Bella could smell the blood on his breath.

"Ahh... Isabella. So nice to see you again. I hear you heard my conversation with Demetri," Aro whispered, his blood breath on Bella's face. Bella nodded her head slowly.

"Tsk Tsk, child. You should know better than to eavesdrop," Caius snapped, his red eyes glaring at Bella.

"Are you going to kill me?" Bella asked in a whisper. Aro grinned and brushed her cheek with his thumb.

"Not yet, my dear. I have great plans for you," Bella whimpered and Aro laughed a devious laugh. Aro turned around and started to walk back to his throne.

"What's going to happen to the Cullens?" Bella asked, slowly standing up.

"Well, I will tell you this, my dear: The Cullens will be no more," Aro threatened. He raised his hand and made a shooing gesture. "You're dismissed. You will meet us here at 8 o'clock sharp tonight. We must prepare for Battle."

Caius grinned menacingly and Marcus slowly shook his head. Felix pushed Bella out of the throne room and Bella ran up the stairs to her room. Bella walked into her room and slammed the door shut. Nora stood behind the doors with a horrified expression.

"He's gone, isn't he?" Nora inquired, sitting on Bella's bed. Bella nodded and sat down on a chair. Nora sighed and hugged her knees close to her chest.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you care so much?" Bella asked abruptly. Nora smiled weakly.

"We all have demons inside of us, Bella. Some more than others. Demetri, had so many demons, that he looked down on the world. He never had a chance in life. He was just a pawn in their game." Nora buried her head into her knees, her brown hair falling down into her face.

"You were in love with him, weren't you?" Bella asked quietly. Nora lifted her head slightly and nodded slowly. Bella could feel her stomach drop at the mention of love. What had she known about love? Nothing; absolutely nothing. She had never experienced love before Edward.

Bella closed her eyes shut and imagined Edward's arm around her. Bella opened her eyes and growled quietly. Nora raised her head and raised her eyebrows at Bella. Bella stood up and rushed over to Nora. "Do you have a cellular device?" Bella asked. Without hesitating, Nora handed over her old Nokia.

"What are you doing?" Nora asked.

"I have to let them know the Volturi's plan. I may perish, but If I tell them, there is a chance they can be saved," Bella said, while she pressed on the keys furiously. Bella put the phone to her ear and took in a deep breath.

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