Chapter Ten: Missing Piece of the Puzzle

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As Bella walked through the door, Alice snatched Bella's wrist and pulled her aside.

"Edward has something special planned for you two tonight," Alice stated with a smirk.

"Like a date?" Bella questioned. Alice nodded. Bella had never been out on a date before. Matt wasn't romantic at all; they would stay at his place -Bella called it the pit, for it was very messy- and order pizza and make out. It wasn't much but it was still something, right?

Alice interrupted Bella's daydreaming by snapping her fingers impatiently. Bella looked back at Alice. "The rest of us, including our visitors our going out to hunt and practice our fighting technique. that means you two will be alone," she explained. They were going to be alone?

"What about Renesmee?" Bella asked.

"Renesmee will be staying in La Push with the wolves," Alice answered. Bella then realized Alice's intentions with her. Bella groaned. Not again. Alice grinned.

"We only have three hours to get ready! C'mon, let's get started!" Alice sing songed.

"I have a strict "no deals with the Devil" policy." Bella retorted. Alice rolled her eyes and dragged Bella up the stairs, with all her power. Bella shuffled her feet into the huge bathroom and turned her head to look at Alice.

"First, you should shower." Alice said. Bella nodded as Alice closed the bathroom door. Bella stripped down and entered the shower. She turned on the the shower and beads of steaming hot water splashed down. Bella quickly washed herself and her hair.

Bella climbed out of the shower and grabbed the fluffy white towel, wrapping it around her pale body. Alice knocked. Bella got up to get the door but before she knew it, Alice was already inside the bathroom.

Alice's eyes examined Bella's body while Bella sat on the bathroom floor. Alice looked at her watch and gasped. "We only have an hour left!" she exclaimed. Alice rushed towards Bella and slid her on a chair, facing a counter with loads of makeup supplies.

Alice could see Bella in shock. "I'm not putting all that on you, don't worry." Alice said. Bella nodded and Alice began working on her masterpiece.

Alice had put a little bit of mascara on Bella's eyes, making them pop out. Bella took a glimpse at herself and was shocked by what stared back at her. Bella gasped. Her eyes were no longer crimson. Violet pupils were in the red eyes' place.

"What the hell?" Bella remarked. Alice glanced towards Bella as she dug through her make up bag, tidying up the mess she had made. "What's wrong with me?" Bella sputtered. Alice laughed.

"How many animals have you drank in the past few days?" Alice inquired. Bella dazed off trying to remember how many animals she had killed.

"Three or four.." Bella concluded. She tilted her head up at Alice who was running her fingers through Bella's medium ash brown hair.

"Well Bella, when you get changed into a vampire there is still human blood in your body which makes your eyes crimson. Or if you drink human blood." Alice stated.

"When you move to the animal diet, the human blood begin to leave your body. Your eyes then start to go violet. Normally it takes awhile for the eyes to change violet, but since you're a newborn and you were only created days before, it goes faster because you only have killed and drained a few bodies. After a year or two, your eyes will turn golden, like mine!" Alice elaborated.

"Oh," was all that Bella could manage to say. Alice chuckled. "I do have an idea for your hair, but let's get you dressed first so you don't wreck your hair when you do eventually get dressed. It will also give your hair a bit more time to dry," Alice said. Bella gripped the towel tightly and crossed her fingers that Edward wasn't in the hall. Alice opened the door and peeked her head out.

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