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Click, Clack.

The woman's heels clicked against the marble, as she rushed towards her destination. Inside her hand was a small bottle full of red liquid. The woman was curious as to what it was. Was it blood? No, she would be able to tell if it was blood.

She pushed past her colleagues and ran towards the throne room. She pushed open the door with her shoulder and ran in.

"Master," She whispered, bowing her head. The man with black, sleek hair turned his head and smirked. "I have come with what you have requested from them. " The man slowly descended from his throne of black, making his way towards the woman, who went by the name of Chelsea.

"Ahh, Chelsea. Thank you for being here, my dear," he whispered.

"I still don't understand why we must do this, Aro," a man with long brown hair in gray robes said. He was flipping through a book while perched up on his throne. Aro whipped his head around and charged towards the man. He knocked him to the ground, his book flying across the room. Aro smashed his head into the ground, growling.

"Do not question my ways, Marcus. I know what is best for us," he hissed. Marcus nodded and Aro stood up. But he wasn't done with Marcus. He grabbed Marcus by the neck and pinned him to the wall. "Hold him," He demanded. Felix rushed up to Aro and took over where Aro left off. Aro slid past Felix and back to Chelsea.

"Were they pleased to make it?" Aro snapped. Chelsea quickly shook her head and Aro laughed, his voice echoing in the room. "We must test this elixir and to make sure it works. We don't want any accidents." Aro held out his hand and Chelsea handed him the small bottle, her hands shaking. Aro's eyes flickered around the room, finding a target. He took a few steps towards Marcus and smirked.

"Brother, you wouldn't," Marcus hissed. Aro grinned and pulled open Marcus's mouth, pouring the liquid in. Marcus coughed and fell to the ground. Blood dripped down Marcus's chin as he coughed some more. After a few more coughs, he passed out.

~ ~ ~

Marcus woke up feeling dizzy and weak. Aro stood above him, with a devilish smirk.

"How do you feel, brother?" Aro asked. Marcus growled, but it came out as a cough. He stood up and grabbed Aro by the throat. He tried to pin him to the ground, but it was no use. Aro grabbed Marcus's arm and twisted it, the bones inside snapping in half.

Marcus screamed out in pain. Why was he screaming in pain? This shouldn't hurt. He was a vampire, he got hurt like this all the time.

"Now, to check one final thing," Aro said . Marcus whimpered and Aro leaned close. The next thing Marcus knew, Aro was biting him. He could feel the venom tingle in his body. How could he feel this?

Aro pulled away, blood dripping from his lips.

"What in the world?" Marcus questioned. How was he bleeding if he was a vampire? then it clicked. He wasn't a vampire; He was human. The elixir Aro gave him turned him human.

The venom licked at his face like a fire. It burned. He looked up at Aro and groaned in pain.

"You have no use for me anymore," Aro snapped. He lifted Marcus up and sunk his teeth into his once again, draining the warm liquid from his body. When he had his fill, Aro dropped the body to the ground. He could still hear a heartbeat, though. He nodded at Felix and Felix ambled towards Marcus, placing his large hands on Marcus's neck.


Felix had snapped Marcus's neck. He was dead. Felix grabbed the body and walked out of the throne room, with a smirk on his face.

Chelsea looked at Aro, trembling in fear.

Aro held the elixir up in the air and grinned.

"The Cullens will not stand a chance against us," He whispered. "The Cullens will no longer cease to exist after I am through with them."

~ ~ ~

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