Chapter Six: Forgotten Sunrise

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The blonde's eyes pierced Bella's skin as if they were knives.

"Is she your fiancé?" the second blonde blurted out.

The color of Edward's face drained completely. "No. She is.. a friend, Kate," Edward said quietly.

"Edward's fiancé passed away a week ago," Carlisle said. "She died giving birth."

"Birth?" The brunette male asked. "That's impossible..."

"We thought the same thing Eleazer," Edward sighed, sitting down on the couch.

"I'm Bella," Bella blurted out, breaking the silence. The strangers turned their heads and looked at her. The brunette woman walked over to her and smiled.

"Hola, Bella! Soy Carmen." Carmen smiled. Bella thought for a minute, trying to translate what she had said. It was hard, for Bella had taken Spanish in grade eight. Then it clicked. Bella giggled quietly at herself and looked at the three blondes.

"I am Tanya, and these are my sisters Irina and Kate," the first blonde said.

"Pleasure," Kate murmured. Bella looked at Irina but she was silent. She was breathing in the air, with a frown on her face.

"Is something wrong, Irina?" Esme asked. Bella turned her head and saw what Irina saw. A massive wolf with russet brown fur stood at the front of the house. It was the same wolf that had attacked Bella. Irina hissed.

"How dare you.." She growled. "You invited one of them."

"They are out friends, Irina." Emmett said.

"They killed him! They killed him for no reason!" Irina shouted. "He and I were going to run away together!" Everyone looked at Irina with shocked faces.

"Excuse me.." she mumbled. She turned around and ran out the door into the forest.

A new smell entered Bella's nose and she crinkled her nose. A tan boy, walked inside the house.

"What was that all about?" He asked Edward.

"Don't worry, about it Jacob," Edward said. Jacob looked at Bella and the others. Edward growled and pinned Jacob to the wall.

"You will do no such thing, Jacob!" Edward hissed.

"Jeez, It was just a thought," Jacob said with a smirk. Edward dropped Jacob and Jacob strutted off into the kitchen.

Bella sat down on the couch and looked at everyone engaging in conversation. She zoned out, counting Renesmee's heartbeats and breaths.Her hearing was perfect. She could hear Renesmee turning over in the bed and her tiny snores. All of the sudden, something warm spilt on Bella's lap. Bella jumped up and looked to see who spilt the warm substance on her. Jacob was holding a mug with a tiny amount of hot chocolate. Bella hissed quietly. Her top was ruined, and these were the only clothes she had that weren't ripped to shreds. Rosalie walked up to Bella and hissed at Jacob.

"Stupid mutt," Rosalie said through her teeth.

"Hey blondie, I got a good one for you," Jacob said with a playful grin. "What's the difference between a smart blonde and Bigfoot?"

Rosalie hissed and murmured something, her voice rough with anger.

"Bigfoot has been sighted," Jacob said, cracking up at his joke. Rosalie completely lost it. She began to sink into a crouch when a wave of calmness breezed through the room.

"Thanks Jazz," She mumbled. She bounced back up and her golden eyes darted to Bella. "I have some fresh clothes upstairs you can borrow, Bella," she said softly.

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