Chapter Three: Strange Becomings

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Toby stood across from Bella in a meadow, clutching his hands into fists. Trees stood tall and the sun peeked out from behind the branches of trees. Bella slowly lifted her head, staring up into the sky, with a frown on her face. Snowflakes slowly flew from the sky to the ground. Bella's frown turned to a grin. She opened up her hand and let a snowflake land on the palm of her hand. It soon slowly started fading away.

"First things first: I'm going to teach you how to kill a vampire," Toby said.

"Why would I need to kill a vampire?" Bella asked.

"I'll tell you later. It's part of your mission," Toby replied. Bella nodded, slowly. She was still unsure about the whole 'Mission thing' and whether or not to trust Toby. 'Why shouldn't you trust Toby?' Bella thought.

"There is only one way to kill a vampire: to rip them apart and burn them to ashes," Toby said. He walked back and forth like a marine instructor.

"Show me what you got. Remember; you're stronger than me so it would be very much appreciated if you tried to not hurt me."

Bella made fists with her hands and ran towards him. She punched him in the face and heard a quiet "Ouch" peep out of Toby's mouth. She kicked Toby in the stomach, making him fly backwards into a tree. He shook his head, and ran towards Bella. She ducked down, sliding through his legs. She got in a crouch and jumped up onto Toby's shoulders. He struggled under her pressure, trying to escape. She put her hands under his jawline and pretended to rip his head off. She jumped down, off his shoulders, pleased with herself. Toby ran his hand through his hair and grinned.

"Good work. You'll make a perfect warrior. Now, when you're defending yourself, you want to be quicker than the opponent," Toby said, staring her in the eyes, "You have to think quicker than the opponent, move faster than the enemy, and plan quickly. Or else you'll be dead before sunrise."

Bella opened her mouth to ask a question, but closed it shut.

"Now, Come at me again," Toby told Bella.

They trained all day, with no breaks. Bella's mind was all over the place. It was like her mind couldn't stop thinking. She also got nervous around Toby. What if he was the enemy? Would he hurt her?

"Let's go home." Toby said, hesitantly. Bella nodded and they ran back to the house. Bella opened the door and walked in, Toby following right behind her. She walked to the kitchen when she saw a newspaper. It's headline read "Young girl missing: Presumed dead." Bella's eyes scanned the story.

Young girl, Isabella Swan is reported missing. Wisconsin Police have searched everywhere, only to find the remains of her car. "We presume she slipped on ice, while driving" Chief Brody says. "Her car must've rolled into the ditch, facing upside down. There was no sight of life at the scene. Only blood and the remains of this young girl's cell phone were discovered at the scene. There is a 50% Miss Swan survived this." Please call the number below if you have seen Isabella Swan in the last week or if you have any tips for this investigation.

Bella flipped the paper over and sighed. He father must be freaking out. Would her mother even know she's missing? Would she even care if she knew?

"I meant to put that away.." Toby said, trailing off. Bella shrugged and turned around.

"When are you going to tell me about my mission?" Bella asked.

"Now. There is a coven of vampires in Forks, Washington who have broken the law. They are 'vegetarians'," Toby said, rolling his eyes. "They have created something, unspeakable of. This creature. . .must be disposed of." Bella dipped her head, nodding.

"When do I leave?" Bella questioned.

"Now. Farewell, Bella." Toby was gone in a flash. Is that the all instructions she was going to get? Bella bit her lip and walked out the door.

Bella ran through the snow, snow flying up behind her. She had no idea where she was going; she was trusting her instincts. Bella stopped running, smelling the delicious smell she loved. She quietly snuck up on the human. 'He must be lost..' Bella thought, a smirk crawling up onto her face. She crouched down low and then pounced. She landed on the human's shoulders and sank her fangs into his neck. Venom filled her mouth and the man's wound.

The man screamed for help, but no one heard him. Bella jumped off him, licking her lips, watching the man's lifeless body falling to the ground. That should hold her until she reached her destination. She kicked the man's leg to make sure he was dead. He didn't move and she couldn't hear a heartbeat. Bella hid the mangled body in a bush and kept running.

Bella had finally reached Forks, Washington. She could smell the vampires. She exhaled through her mouth. All of the sudden she heard a howl. She was being chased by dogs. Dogs the size of bears. Bella's face formed fear. They were giant wolves. Bella kept advancing forward, the wolves on her trail. She was almost there; she could feel it. A wolf with russet brown fur snapped at her legs, making her flip over. She landed on her back, the wolves surrounding her. Their jaws snapped close to her face, and one wolf's paw raised, about to smack Bella. She knew this was the end.

"That's enough, Jacob," a voice like velvet said. Bella opened her eyes, just in time to see the big brown wolf backing away from her. He snapped his fangs, slobber hitting Bella's face. She groaned. She stood up and wiped herself off. Bella's eyes flickered to the left to see a god standing in front of her. His golden eyes stared into hers, making her slightly uncomfortable. His muscles tensed and he ran a hair through his bronze locks.

"Thank you," Bella said softly. The man nodded and held out his hand. She shook it and shivers ran up her arm and down her spine.

"I'm Edward Cullen," He said. His voice was perfect. It was a melody she never wanted to forget.

"I'm Bella." She pulled a piece of hair away from her face and looked into his eyes. Bella's eyes darted to the ground, wanting to avoid his gaze.

Edward frowned.

"Is there something wrong?" Bella asked. She didn't like the way he was looking at her.

"My apologies, Bella." He shook out of his haze and smiled a friendly smile.

"I presume you're here to meet her?" Edward asked.

Bella nodded, not even knowing who her was. Who was he talking about?

"Follow me," He instructed. She followed after him and heard the most absurd sound in the group of vampires.

She heard a heartbeat.

~ ~ ~





Sincerely, Burningbrightfire

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