Chapter Four: Listen to my Heart

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The heartbeat echoed through Bella's ears. She had heard heartbeats before, but this one was different. It was an irregular heartbeat. Bella inhaled slowly. She could smell the rich smell of blood coursing through a body. Venom filled up Bella's mouth. Bella tried to contain her hunger, but it was useless.

Before she knew it, she was getting down into an attacking position. A muscular body flew towards her, grabbing her throat and pinning her against a tree. She struggled slightly, but gave up the fight when a blond man walked over to her. She looked into his golden eyes, and was calmed down; she was hardly craving the blood.

"You need to control your thirst better," The muscular man grunted. Bella nodded. She had just hunted awhile ago, so she shouldn't have been thirsty. There was just something about the smell that made her go crazy. Her hands grazed the muscular man's hand, trying to get him to let go of her neck.

"She's new, Emmett," a voice squeaked. Bella turned her head slightly to see a petite girl with spiky black hair walking towards them. Her steps were delicate; she walked as if she was dancing.

"I'm not sure about her Alice," Edward said, his jaw clenched, "I can't seem to read her."

The pixie like girl, Alice, looked at Bella and frowned at her.

"Neither can I," She said. "She's here for Renesmee and that's what matters. She won't hurt her; I can feel it."

Renesmee. The name flowed off her tongue like water. It was a perfect name meant for someone perfect. It was such a unique name that it took Bella a few tries in her head to say it properly.

A blonde vampire sashayed towards Bella. She had a small shadow. A little girl, who looked around the age of two, strolled behind the blonde. The blonde grabbed the little girl's hand and walked towards Bella. She finally got to see the little girl. She was perfect; she looked as if she was a porcelain doll. Her muddy brown eyes sparkled in the sun. Her hair was in perfect ringlets, that surrounded her porcelain face. Bella gasped at her beauty.

"Let her go, Emmett," Edward commanded in a soft voice.

The grip on Bella's neck loosened and Bella fell to the forest floor. The little girl, Renesmee, shuffled closer to Bella. Bella could feel everyone tensing up. She wasn't going to blow this. Renesmee looked into Bella's red eyes, and a tiny smile spread across her face. She looked up at the blonde and the blonde nodded. Bella held out her hand, and the blonde hissed.

"Rosalie, It's okay," Alice said. Rosalie slowly backed away.

Renesmee tilted her head and slowly raised her perfectly plump hand. It touched Bella's cheek.

There was a woman screaming in pain.

Shocked faces were on every face.

A head lifted up, a crooked smile on his face. It was Edward. He was covered in blood. He cradled the baby who was also covered in blood.

"Renesmee," He said breathless.

"Let me hold her," A woman's voice croaked. The scene changed to the woman. She held out her hands.

Edward passed her the baby, smiling.

"Renesmee," the woman said, exasperated. Her face flinched, and the baby was taken from her. The woman grinned, then it slowly turned to a blank face.

"I'll take her," Rosalie said. Edward handed the baby over to Rosalie and she walked away. Edward looked at the woman and a worried expression was on his face. The scenery changed, and started getting fuzzy.

Renesmee pulled her hand away from Bella's cheek. Bella backed away from the child.

"What was that?" Bella whispered.

"That's how she communicates," Edward elaborated.

Renesmee blushed and Rosalie picked her up, and walked back into the crowd of vampires.

"As you can see, Nessie-" Edward gave the man that was talking, a stern look. The older man cleared his throat. "Renesmee is not an immortal child. She was given birth to, while her mother was still human."

Edward looked down at his hands. He had a ring on his finger. He took it off and twirled it in his hands, then quickly as he took it off, he put it back on.

"Was she your wife?" Bella asked, standing up.

Edward shook his head. He then quickly disappeared into the house.

"Edward gets uncomfortable talking about his late fiancé," The older man said.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know," Bella said quickly.

All the vampires nodded.

"It's okay, Bella," Alice said. A thought came to her head and she quickly pointed at Bella.

"I'm Alice, and these are my siblings. This is Jasper,-" She was cut off by Jasper who wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. Bella guessed they were together. Alice giggled.

"That's Rosalie and Emmett," Alice pointed to the muscular man who had his arm wrapped around Rosalie's waist, holding her protectively.

"And these are Carlisle and Esme, our adoptive parents." The blonde, older man was holding hands with a beautiful young woman, who Bella presumed was Esme.

"If you need anything, Bella, let us know," Esme said in a motherly voice.

Bella nodded. "I will be sure to do that," She replied with a heartwarming smile.

Alice got out of Jasper's grip and grabbed a firm hold on Bella's wrist. Bella raised her eyebrows.

"C'mon, I'm going to show you where you can hunt. Sorry, but your not allowed to hunt in the area."

Bella nodded and they ran off into the woods. Bella stopped running when she saw a piece of paper on the ground. She slowly picked it up with a steady hand and unfolded it.

Destroy the child

~ ~ ~





Sincerely, Burningbrightfire

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