Chapter Twelve: Heart of Black

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"Someone sounds afraid..." Toby said with a chuckle. Bella shot him a glare and Toby raised his hands in defense.

"Do I get to learn your real name?" Bella asked. Toby muttered something under his breath and ran his pale hand through his sandy colored hair.

"Eventually. Have patience, Isabella." Toby promised. Bella's teeth mashed together in annoyance. Toby checked his watch and cursed quietly. "We're going to be late for our flight." Toby started to walk to the main road, his hands in his denim pockets.

Bella sighed and closed her eyes, wishing she had never gone to seen Matt in the first place. None of this wouldn't be happening. She wouldn't be a spy, she wouldn't have fallen in love and she wouldn't have been a vampire.

"It's happened. Get over it," Bella whispered to herself. Bella ran a hand through her hair and jogged over to Toby. Toby was walking towards a 2009 Harley Davidson that was parked on the road. Bella cleared her throat and Toby turned his head. "Flight?" she asked. "We're flying?"

Toby nodded. "I thought it might be easier than swimming across the ocean," Toby remarked. He placed on leg over his motorcycle and revved the engine. "Are you coming?" He snapped.

"Yes," Bella said in a small voice. Bella placed on leg over the Harley and sat down on the back. Toby placed a helmet over Bella's petite head and she wrapped her arms around his waist with a scowl on her face. Toby rolled his eyes and squeezed on the gas. The motorcycle purred and shot forward. The wind blew on Bella's face, sending her hair flying behind the helmet.

Bella bit her lip. She shouldn't be here. She should be with the Cullens'. She should be with Edward and Renesmee. Not some motorcycle junkie ass. Bella turned her head and swore she saw a pair of golden eyes watching her.

Bella shook her head and looked forward. She could see the airport ahead with her crystal clear vision. A few minutes later, Toby pulled into a parking spot. Bella got off and took the helmet off, shaking her hair. Bella took a few steps towards the front entrance, but Toby grabbed her wrist.

"We have a private flight," Toby said. "We don't have to go through customs." Bella followed Toby to a gated place. Toby pulled a key out of his pocket and opened the lock. His hands swiftly opened the metal gate and the walked towards the huge jet.

Toby walked towards three men and started talking to them quietly. He walked back to Bella and placed a hand on her back and led her into the plane. It was beautiful. The seats were a creamy leather. Yellow flowers sat in vases which sat on the tables. There was even a chandelier. Bella sat down on one of the seats and buckled up.

Toby's phone went off and he quickly answered it, making his way to the bathroom. Bella could hear him, perfectly. A woman's voice yelled at him through the phone.

"You better hurry up! They're getting anxious," The woman hissed.

"I can't make an airplane move any faster," He snapped.

"You know what happens when they doesn't get what they wants," Toby sighed.

"I'll do my best. We should be there by sunrise, tomorrow," Toby said. He hung up his Nokia and walked back. He stormed up to the pilot and demanded he start the plane. The pilot argued that they weren't ready but Toby didn't listen. The pilot's heart sped up and Toby grabbed him by the neck.

"You need to hurry up," He snapped. The pilot's face started to turn blue.

"Toby..." Bella warned. Toby dropped the pilot and walked back to sit. He buckled up and watched the pilot scramble to flip switches. in the next ten minutes they were in the air. Bella looked out of the window and thought about Toby's conversation.

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