Chapter Nine: Perfection Does Exist

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"That makes sense.." a voice said. Bella turned her head to see Edward. He ran a hand through his bronze locks.

"I'm confused.." Bella said. "A shield? What does that mean?"

Eleazar opened his mouth to speak but Edward spoke for him.

"Some vampires in our world have gifts. For example, Jasper can alter moods, Alice can see the future and I can read minds."

"Wait, Alice can see the future?" Bella whispered, her voice shaking. If she could see the future, she must've seen Bella's future. She would have seen the plan. Bella's lips let loose a murderous growl.

"Bella?" Edward asked. He placed his hands on her arms. "Love, what's wrong?"

Bella shook her head. "It's...nothing," Bella said through her teeth.

"I can't see your future, Bella." Alice said, practically skipping out of the house. "When I try to sneak a look, I just get a blurry image."

"I also can't read your mind," Edward added.

Bella relaxed. They had no clue what was going in her mind or her future.It should be kept like that.

"So what about my gift?" Bella asked.

"Well, It seems that you can protect yourself from another vampire's gift. It seems the only gift that's able to penetrate your shield is Renesmee's," Edward said.

"Fascinating," Eleazar muttered.

"How does this gift help me?" Bella inquired.

"Well for starters, you can protect yourself from many dangers that some gifts hold. Take Jane for an example," Eleazar said.

"Jane?" Bella asked.

"Jane is a member of the Volturi. She can make you feel pain..." Edward said, trailing off as his eyes flickered from Eleazar to Bella.

Bella slowly inhaled. Edward's arm tensed around her waist. A scent filled the air. It smelt of beer and whiskey. Bella's nostrils burned at the smell.

"Well 'ello laddies," a thick Irish accent said. A man who looked in his late thirties appeared with a woman in her twenties and a younger one who looked around Bella's age. The man's hair was a bright ginger, but he covered it with a beret. The woman in her twenties was curvy and had brown hair that reached her waist while the younger girl had curly brown hair that reached her mid-back.

"Liam; thank you for coming on such short notice. I see you have brought your mate, " Carlisle said.

The man nodded. The older lady grinned. " Is' been a long time since 've been 'ere," She said.

"Indeed it has been, Siobhan. Would you like to come inside to meet her?" Carlisle asked.

"No need," Liam said, raising up his two hands and shaking them. He looked down at the young girl and she nodded. He raised his head and looked at Carlisle. "We know you 'ell the truth bout the young lass."

Bella raised her eyebrows. How did they know?

"This young one-" Eleazar started but Liam interrupted him.

"Maggie. 'Er name is Maggie," Liam uttered. Eleazar cleared his throat.

"Maggie can tell when someone is telling the truth," he said with a grin.

Maggie nodded her petite head, her ringlets bouncing.

"Why don't you come inside?" Esme said with a warm smile. Liam nodded and they followed Carlisle and Esme into the house.

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