Chapter Sixteen: Lost But Found

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Bella tried to turn her head, but Caius's grip on her neck was too tight. She clawed at Caius's hand, but it was no use. She had to see who yelled stop. Bella's eyes fell on to Edward's golden eyes. But he wasn't looking at Bella; he was looking at someone else. Bella slowly turned her head and saw what Edward was looking at.

Nora. She was the one who had yelled stop. Aro slowly turned his head and looked at her with his crimson eyes. She slowly stepped forward and walked up to Aro. "You can't kill someone who isn't guilty. That's just not how it works, Aro," She hissed. Bella looked back at Edward; his eyes were wide as saucers. He knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"Renesmee, look away," He mumbled, sternly. Renesmee nodded and slowly turned her head the other way. Bella could see Renesmee's little fingers tremble as she leaned into Jacob's fur. the wolf growled and dug its paw into the snow.

Aro's eyes flickered from Bella to Nora, as if he was deciding to kill first. "Drop her." He commanded. The grip around Bella's neck instantly vanished. Bella sharply inhaled as her body collapsed against the snow.

Bella's hands slowly tried to push her body up, but she was too weak. She was utterly exhausted. She felt like all her energy had been drained out of her. Bella quickly brushed the snow off of her face and looked up.

"Is that so, Nora?" Aro questioned. Nora slowly nodded. She was nervous, but she stood her ground. Aro glanced at Caius and Felix. His head moved up and down slowly. Caius smirked and Bella screamed. Caius grabbed Nora and stuck his hands in her mouth and pulled.

He ripped her head off, and it flew in front of Aro. Her body collapsed to the ground. Another member of the Volturi walked over to the body and the head and slowly lit it on fire. Bella gripped the snow in agony.

Aro smirked and turned his head back to Bella. He slowly ambled over to Bella and Bella gulped. She tried to crawl away, but Aro grabbed her legs and dragged her back. Bella growled. He wrapped his hands around Bella's neck, slowly twisting.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Aro." Aro looked around and dropped Bella once again.

"Alice," Aro said breathless. Bella looked up to see her. She walked through the snow towards him with a scowl on her face. "You're just who I have been looking for." Alice rolled her eyes and stood in front of Aro. She looked down at Bella with pain in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." She mouthed to Bella. "I'm going to need your help." Bella nodded and closed her eyes, inhaling slowly. Her shield slowly cascaded past her and wrapped itself around Alice. Alice smiled weakly and turned back to Aro.

Aro held out both of his hands with a evil smile. Alice frowned, but obeyed by slowly placing her hands on to Aro's. Aro clamped his hands around hers and rubbed her hands. Aro quickly went from smirking to frowning. He slowly opened his eyes. "Oh dear.." he whispered looking around him at his enemies and comrades. "That just won't work."

"That's what will happen if you choose that path, Aro. You will die," Alice snarled. Aro's eyes wandered around the battlefield, deciding if it was worth it.

"The child is still a threat!" Aro hissed.

"No Aro, she's not. I've seen it and if that's not enough, maybe this will convince you." Alice turned her head and Bella slowly turned hers to see what Alice was looking at.

An olive toned skinned woman, walked out into the clearing with a boy who looked exactly like her. The only difference between the two way their eyes; The woman's eyes were red, and the boy's eyes were black. Their hair was dark brown and tied up in braids. They trudged through the snow, slowly and eventually stood in front of Aro. Bella inhaled a rattled breath and was shocked by what she smelled; the boy had a heartbeat, just like Renesmee.

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