Chapter Eleven: Sins of the Heart

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Bella inhaled while she watched Renesmee play dress-up with Jacob. Jacob ruffled his black hair and groaned. He was wearing bright blue eyeshadow and pink blush was all over his face. He was also wearing a pink tutu. Renesmee held a sparkling wand in her hand and she danced around Jacob singing quietly. Bella chuckled. A sweet aroma filled up Bella's nostrils, causing her to turn her head.

"Zafrina and Kate are ready to practice with you," Edward mumbled. "I told them you would want to get all your strength and hunt first."

Edward held out his hand and pulled Bella up off the white couch. His fingers laced with Bella's as they walked out through the front door. Bella's lips fell in a straight line and she stayed quiet while they walked into the forest. "Is something wrong, love?" Edward asked, noticing Bella was being quiet.

"I'm just nervous that I'm going to disappoint you when I try and open my shield," Bella mumbled. The thought of her failing clouded her mind. The thing that didn't strike her mind was Toby and her Master. she had pushed those thoughts away. She wanted to start over.

"Bella, love," Edward's fingers grazed her cheekbone. "You could never disappoint me."

Edward inhaled and nodded his head East. Bella sniffed and grinned. A male elk was scavenging for food about 200 miles away. The elk grunted and dug his hooves in the frozen ground. Bella ran towards the elk, a smirk across her face. Her boots collided with the snow, crushing it underneath her foot. Bella stopped and hid behind a tree. The elk perked its ears, knowing that someone was watching it. The elk bounded off to scavenge for food elsewhere.

'You're not going anywhere. You're MINE,' Bella thought. Edward appeared right beside Bella and watched her get into the hunt. Bella growled and chased after the elk. The elk knew it was about to be attacked. It started running, hoping to outrun Bella.

But Bella was faster and smarter than her prey. She let the elk think that he was completely alone; that he had outrun Bella. Bella crouched down and placed her hand in the snow. Bella placed her left foot back and pushed herself towards the elk. The elk had no idea what hit it.

Bella grabbed the elk and pushed it against the snow. She started choking it and was about to bite it when she saw the elk eyes. Fear clouded the elk's eyes. Bella was no longer holding the elk. Renesmee struggled under Bella's pressure and squealed for help. Color started leaving her face and Renesmee took one last breath, her eyes rolling into her head.

Bella's jaw fell down in horror. She had killed Renesmee. Bella choked on the tears that had threatened to fall. She screamed an ear piercing scream and ran away from the body "I-I'm a monster!" Bella sobbed.

"Bella? Love?" Edward called. He ran up to Bella who was on the verge of tears. Her lip quivered and she was staring at her hands, which were trembling. Edward ran up to Bella and wrapped his arms around her protectively. "Shhh Bella....You're okay." Edward said in a soothing voice. "It's just an elk Bella." Bella turned her head and saw an elk, lying dead in the snow. She hadn't killed Renesmee. She had only imagined it. Bella clutched onto Edward's shirt and tried to calm down.

"Bella, what happened?" Edward asked. He used his two fingers to tilt Bella's head up to stare in Bella's violet eyes. He pulled Bella close and kissed her hair. "Whatever it was, it's okay. It's gone," Edward murmured. He stroked Bella's arm while she rested her face on his chest. After a few minutes, Bella finally calmed down.

"I'm not thirsty anymore," Bella mumbled. Edward nodded and pulled Bella away from the elk. Bella turned her head to see a pair of eyes watching her every movement. Bella blinked and then opened her eyes to see no one there. It was just her mind imagining things. She would've swore that someone was watching her. Edward reached under Bella's legs and pulled her up into his arms, bridal style. Bella raised her eyebrows, but went along with it. She laid her hand on Edward's chest and Edward held her close.

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