Chapter 2

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"Okay so you're going to Turn left here." He stated and I nodded turning right. "LEFT! Not right dumbnut!" He exclaimed jokingly.

"Hey! I switched my left and rights." I said sheepishly smiling, doing a u-turn.

"You're a retard. Now take a left here." He said so I did and he burst out laughing. I stopped and looked at him.

"What?" I said confused.

"I meant right. I was hoping you'd take the wrong turn again." He said smiling and I whacked the back of his head. "Hey! Not the face!" He begged faking he was scared.

"It was the back of you're head dipwad."

"Hey now, no need to be rude here. No name calling is aloud here." He said smirking.

"For one, You called me Retard AND Dumbnut. So shut it Dumbo. Two, this is my truck and I'll do what I please." I stated confidently.

"Dumbo?" He asked confused.

"Yeah because your ears are MASSIVE!" I said highly exaggerating and he glared grabbing his ears.

"Nu-uh! They're perfectly fine. Right Marley and Bob?" He said and I burst out laughing.

"You named your ears Bob Marley?! Retard!" I said laughing my head off.

"I love them and they love the name!" He said sadly. Well, he was faking his sadness... I hope.

"You're such an idiot." I said doing another U-turn.

"'Kay go straight now." He said and I stopped,

"Are you serious or not?"

"I'm serious now." So I did as he said and we showed up at a big mansion. It was awesome!

"I think we have the wrong house..." I stated in awe as we drive through the gates.

"Nope. This is my humble home." He said wiggling his arms.

"Oh...Where do I park?" I asked and he pointed.

"Go into the garage. I'll go open it and you can come in." He said and I nodded. He opened the door and he jogged into the house. Soon I saw the tan, three car garage door opening and I slowly drove in. I saw a nice black, ford f150 truck and a horse trailer parked in there so I pulled in between them. I hopped out of my lifted truck and walked to Tyler.

"Dude." I said in awe walkin' over to the truck.

"What?" He asked confused.

"This is a sick truck!" I exclaimed rubbing the side and he chuckled pulling me away.

"Darlin', Let's go meet my Mother." He said smiling warmly so I just smiled shyly and nodded. He called me Darlin' and I couldn't help but blush and feel all warm on the inside.

We walked through a big hallway filled with pictures and ribbons and I stopped to look at one. It was me! And Mallory? Weird. I thought I only knew her from the rodeo.

I quickly caught up to Tyler, noticing I was lagging and we walked into the kitchen. I saw a women cooking, must be her.

"Ma." Tyler called.

"Oh Tyler! Good you're home! I need you and Mallory to start cutting carrots and peeling the potatoes. Well unless you guys want baked." She rambled.

"Ma, Mallory's with Dad at the rodeo still." He stated, she still hasn't turned around!

"Oh. How'd you get home?" She asked.

"Payton took me here." He said shrugging and she stopped what she was doing. She turned around and smiled friendly at me.

"Oh! Trevor's daughter! Nice to see you again!" She exclaimed pulling me into a hug.

"Nice to see you again to Pam! Tyler why didn't you tell me you're mom was Pam?!" I said accusingly pointing a finger at him. He huffed.

"Small world."

"So are you the girl that beat up my little girl?" She asked and I immediately blushed and started stuttering.

"Yes ma'am. I-I uh. I-Uhmm." I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"I'm kidding darlin'!" She said smilin'.

"I'm sorry 'bout that. I usually don't do that kind of stuff. I don't know what got into me!" I exclaimed and she smiled friendly.

"It's okay dear. We all have our moments. It's a bit unfortunate that it happened to be with my daughter but you apologized sincerely and that's all that matters." She stated cooking again. I sighed, thanking God. I thought I'd be in for worse then that! I pulled up a chair next to Tyler and we started peeling carrots and wrapping foil on the potatoes.

I heard a sudden knock on the door and I looked towards Tyler.

"Tyler dear, can you please go get the door?" His Mother's southern accent drawled out.

"Yes Ma'." He said politely, standing up. He disappeared towards the door and soon, he was out of sight. But the sound of his boots on the floor didn't go unnoticed.

"The boy never takes of them boots! I swear!" His Mother laughed. I just smiled and nodded politely. "So dear, You and my Boy have something goin' on?" She questioned dropping the spatula and turning around.

"What? No-I mean, uh No!" I stuttered, blushing furiously.

"Don't be ashamed darlin'! I was once you're age to ya' know! I wasn't always this older deary!" She said winking at me.

"No, no! I didn't mean it like that!" I said blushing, embarrassed.

"No no dear, I know. I was just saying!" She said chuckling.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry if I offended you!" I apologized.

"Hun, you apologize to much! You're to sweet!" She smiled warmly at me and for a second, I felt at home. But that moment was quickly interrupted by little miss sunshine herself.

"Argh. What is SHE doing in my house? Guess daddy lets anyone in now." She stated viciously, venom in all her words as she glared at me. I saw her eye was forming a very dark, black and blue, bruise; her lip was also busted with a bruise caressing her cheek. I smiled proudly then quickly hide it as the guilt finally got to me.

"Look, Mallory I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was out of Line and I should've never done that. I'm truly sorry." I apologized sheepishly.

"Whatever." She hissed as her mom scolded her. She put on her innocent smile and grabbed an apple, turning on her heel. "Bitch." She muttered under her breathe. I sighed. This was going to be a long night. Better get comfortable.

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