Pulled over

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"Payton! Wake up! Rodeos in an hour before we head home!" I heard my mom call from outside the door and looked at the clock, yawning lightly. Ten am?! Already? Dang, I slept another hour in a Half after my 'run-in' with Tyler and Erica.
I hopped up and quickly straightened my hair before running downstairs. I had already gotten dressed in my studded blue jeans and my blue, almost aqua, show shirt before shoving on my boots. My boots were always bought from a local thrift shop, never any of those big companies so I don't really know the brand of these.
I pushed my hair out of my face before grabbing a few snacks and an apple. I quickly grabbed a waffle before grabbing my keys. I was Half way out the door, stumbling as I fixed my socks inside my boots when Tyler and Erica came running down. Both dressed for the rodeo. Erica had a light green show shirt on with almost similar studded jeans as me and I glared before turning around and opening the garage door to get my truck out.
"Wait!" I heard Tyler call as they both chased me out to my truck.
"What?" I asked harshly, turning around as he looked at guiltily.
"Can we get a ride?" He asked softly.'Did he really just ask me that?' I thought angrily. Does he really has the nerve to ask me that? I mean, I guess he doesn't think he did anything wrong but still! He. Used. Me. I glared opening the garage as I hooked up my horse trailer.
"Can't you drive?" I asked harshly walking back into the house to grab all my luggage.
"Well yeah but gas is expensive right now." He replied as I grabbed all my bags and headed out, tossing them into the bed of the truck. Tyler followed me like a lost puppy the whole way and into the barn. Grabbing Spartan's Show Halter.
"And it's not for me?" I growled angrily, grabbing Spartan.
"I'll help pay!" He exclaimed as he Grabbed Flag and Forest (Erica's horse) and followed me.
"Fine but you're loading your own damn horse and I want your Lady friend to pitch in to. It's not fair if I pitch in for gas and so do you and she doesn't. She's getting a ride to." I growled as he nodded and handed me a twenty. I shoved it in my pocket and loaded Spartan into the trailer then watched him load Erica's and his horse. I walked back to the truck and sat in the drivers seat as Tyler came over to my window with Erica.
"Uh, Payton?" He asked hesitantly and I looked at him.
"What?" I replied, starting my truck.
"Erica doesn't let people drive her around, she only trust me driving her. Do you mind if I uh...drive?" He coughed out and I almost laughed.
"Seriously?! I'm giving you two a fudging ride and she has the NERVE to complain that she doesn't want ME driving MY OWN Damn truck?!? Tell your little bitch that I'm driving and if she has a problem with that she can walk the rest of the damn way. " I yelled pissed off, rolling up my window and backing out.
"Wait!" I heard her yell after me and I pulled to a stop. I rolled my window back down and sighed.
"What?" Hell, I wasn't in a good mood and I'd be the first to admit it. Jealousy does that to people. Though, I was not really jealous, I was pissed off at him for using me or leading me on.
"We need a ride and the horses are already loaded. Can we please get a ride?" She asked quietly and I unlocked the doors. She jumped in with a shocked looking Tyler behind her.
"You're actually going to let someone else drive you?" He asked shocked and she shrugged.
"One, she wouldn't intentionally hurt the horses especially if her's is back there and two, she's probably a better driver then your slow ass. I don't want to be late." She stated chuckling making me smirk. She insulted him and even if barely, it made me feel good. What a b word huh? I'm not very nice today and I know I should be.
I pulled out, making sure I shut the garage door along with the gate. I turned out of the back roads and onto the highway looking for a place to pull off for gas.
"Look for a gas station." I stated and they nodded looking out the window.
"Off of the 32 to the right there's Valero's Gas." Tyler stated making me nod. My phone started to ring but I noticed on the freeway there was a bunch of highway patrols around and some sheriffs driving around. So I waited until I was sure there wasn't any around before answering.
"Hello?" I answered and my Dad's voice filled my ear.
"Hey where are you guys? Rodeo starts in fifteen minutes! Bronc riding then barrels! We already signed you in." He questioned, in a hurry.
"Where on our way to a gas station then we'll be on our -oh shit." I cursed angrily.
"Hey! Language! And hurry up! Wait, what's wrong?" He questioned and I slowly pulled over.
"Dad I got to go." I grumbled, hanging up and pulling off to the side. I watched the patrol officer climb out of his car and daamn. He was attractive. He walked over to the drivers side, usually I thought they walked to the passengers but he didn't. He looked about, 20. Give or take a few years.
"Hello ma'am. Do you know why I pulled you over?" He questioned, his thick southern accent making my knees go weak. What. The. Hell. I sound like a school girl.
"Uh. I was on the phone?" I questioned, confused. When I'm nervous, I always bite my lip and furrow my eyebrows together.
"Yes ma'am that is correct. I'm going to ask you to get your license and registration out and meet me at my car." He said seriously walking back to his car and I nodded an okay. I looked scared at Tyler and Erica and they looked back, worry laced all over them.
"What do I do?!" I whispered grabbing my license and looking for my registration.
"Stay calm." Erica replied as I got teary eyed. "Just be polite, he may let you off with a warning." She replied quickly.
"But why am I going to his car?" I cried.
"It's going to be fine Skittles, I don't know why you're going there but if anything happens we are here. Just go and we'll be watching just in case." Tyler replied and I nodded hoping out with my license in one hand and registration in the other. I walked to the passengers window, handing him my stuff.
"Here." I stated quietly, blushing slightly as his hand brushed mine.
"Nineteen?" He asked with a smile and I nodded. "Cool." He stated and I slightly nodded, confused. "I mean, uh. Cool. Well uh. Here." He stated handing me my license and registration back and a piece a paper before winking and driving off. I stood there shocked. He gave me a ticket and sped away. I grumpily walked back to my truck and hopped in handing my stuff to Erica.
"How'd it go?" Tyler asked and I just groaned.
"Oh. My. Gosh." Erica yelled and I looked at her.
"Is the ticket that expensive?! My Dad's going to kill me!" I yelled angrily, I was only angry at myself though.
"No!" She yelled excitedly and I sighed in relief.
"Then what's the damage?" I questioned and she smiled.
"Nothing." She replied awestruck.
"WHAT?! Let me see that!" Tyler and I yelled at the same time.
"It's actually a... Phone number?" Tyler stated confused and I gasped.
"What?" I said laughing making them stare at me like I was crazy. "He scared the crap out of me for nothing and OH! That's why he said cool! Duh!" I yelled, everything making sense.
"That's great." Erica sighed. I don't know what happened she was a bitch earlier, when they did that 'thing' last night. The rest of that time we sat there as they laughed, I added his number in my phone and we were off. Even in my foul mood I laughed at the comments being made.

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