Drama Town

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I heard my alarm beeping on my phone and turned around. I clicked dismiss and slowly made my way out of bed. I checked my clock and it was only four-thirty a.m and I groaned. I hate this rodeo. The rodeo starts at six, well the sign-ins do. So we usually get there around five fourty or six thirty. Either way we don't want to hit rush when everyone's coming in. The actual rodeo doesn't start until eight though. Why it's so early, I don't know. But I usually sleep on top of the trailer until nine because my event doesn't start until ten twenty.

I went into the bathroom and fixed my hair. I undid the braids and watched the curls in my hair. I didn't like on one side so I French braided it back so it looked like it was leading into the waves and I smiled. Success. I did my business and then washed my hands. I changed into my shiny jeans and my plaid shirt and grabbed my lucky socks.

I went out and grabbed a powdered donut from our food area and grabbed my makeup bag. Time to wake the boys. I usually wake them after I'm done because they all hog the bathrooms. I woke up Tyler first so he could get into the bathroom before we leave. My brothers take more time in the bathroom then I do!

"Tyler." I said softly shaking him a bit. "Tyler wake up." I hummed and he wouldn't so I licked his cheek. That woke him up.

"What the hell?" He mumbled half asleep. "Did you just lick me?" He asked confused.

"Yes. You taste good. Now lets get moving before I have to wake up the boys." I stated softly and he nodded and walked into the bathroom. A couple minutes later he was out and ready. Hair combed, outfit on, and he looked more awake.

"Hungry?" I asked him showing him were our food is.

"Well, what do you have?" He asked walking over.

"We got donuts, powdered, chocolate, and whatever the brownish one is. Uh cereal, apple jacks and fruity pebbles. OH! And honey but Cheerios. Milks in the mini fridge. Got pb&j, juice in the mini. And we got a bunch of fruit. This is all breakfast. Pick your choice!" I said grabbing an apple and headed to the mini fridge. I poured me some orange juice and walked back. He decided on a powdered donut and pb&j.

"Good choice." I said nodding in approval. He just smiled and I poured him juice. "We need to get water today. Almost out." I mumbled and he nodded an okay. I walked over to the boys and set there alarms on full blast and as soon as they went off, the boys were chasing me. I hide behind Tyler and they finally gave up. "I knew my best friend wouldn't give up on me." I said winking taking a bite out of his donut.

"Hey.." He whined, "That's my food." And I laughed.

"Sorry." I said kissing his cheek and he blushed. He quickly looked down hoping I wouldn't see it but I did.

"It's fine." he mumbled making me chuckle. I happily jogged away. Both boys were finally ready and I told them what we're doing.

"So mom said she knew how long you guys take in the bathroom so she will handle the sign-ins if we go by the store and gas station. I told her we would and that I was staying with them tonight and they agreed. So lets get moving!" I yelled excitedly. Today was going to be good. I could feel it. I grabbed my bags and Tyler helped with my comforter and pillow and we made our way out. The boys and I walked different ways before stopping.

"Where ya' going?" Mike and Reece both asked at the same time.

"Stairs. Duh." I replied and their eyes widened.

"I thought y'all were kidding last night!" Mike responded and I laughed.

"No way in hell I'm taking that again." I said walking away to the stairs.

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