First Date To Sign Hate

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"Your Paisley is for sale I hear?" I stated more as a question.

"Oh Uh Yes, yes he is. He won't do anything we tell him to! He was bred to be a Barrel Racing Trick Horse!" His dad exclaimed.

"How much do you want for him?" My dad questioned.

"Oh Trevor, I'm sure you don't want him, he's a hand-ful even for a bull rider!" His mom exclaimed.

"I may not be able to handle it, but Payton sure could! She's done magic for people's horses!" My mom said proudly, way to proudly. She definatly held bragging rights.

"Uh, I mean, I'm good b-but, not that good." I stuttered, blushing.

"In that case, Payton, can you please work with Paisley! Please!" He begged, and his wife agree'd with him.

"Uh.. Sure?"

"Great! Thank you soo much!" She said smiling. And it instantly went quiet so I started digging in.

"This chicken stew is amazing Pam!" I said in awe.

"Thank you darling, don't forget, you helped." She smiled warmly giving me a friendly wink. I smiled politely back; turning to try to engage conversation with Mallory. The parents quickly engaged in conversation not even listening or paying attention to us.

"So, Mallory, are you having a good season?" I asked turning to her, might as well make amends or at least try to.

"Yeah, other then the fact you beat me today." She grumpily said.

"Yeah.. Ha-ha.." I said nervously.

"Yeah." She said glaring.

"So, what made you choose barrel racing and Rodeo queen? I mean, you'll never get better then anyone. You're not very good anyways.." Mallory questioned snobbily and I was taken back. Where'd that come from?

"Uh-well. I uh.. " I tried to speak but all I could do was fiddle with my fingers. I bet my face was as red as a tomato right 'bout now.

"Mallory, stop that." Tyler said cutting in. "You don't have to answer that." He said softly.

"No seriously. You're never going to get better. You winning today was a fluke on my behave. It won't happen again. How'd you even become a rodeo queen? Don't they have to be gorgeous? You're not. You're not even pretty... Not even close. And your clothes, what a charity! I mean, I'd give y'all clothes but I already have given it to another charity. And your hair!-" she rambled on and tears formed in my eyes.

"Mallory! That's enough!" Tyler's voice boomed through my ears.

"No, no Ty. It's fine. I'm just going to go." I said pushing my chair out and standing up. I threw the napkin on the table and tucked my chair back in. "Mr. Harvey, Mrs. Harvey, thank you for dinner. It was truly delicious. I'm sorry I have to leave on short notice but I have something I forgot to do! Mom, Dad. I'll see you back at the motel." I stated picking up my dish to take to the kitchen.

"Oh honey, they offered us to spend the week here. We accepted. I'm canceling to room tomorrow morning. We just have to go by tomorrow and get all of our stuff before we cancel the room." My dad stated and my fake smile dropped.

"Oh. Well I'll see you in the morning. I'll pack up everyone's stuff and be back tomorrow sometime." I said putting my smile back on.

"We'll send over Tyler in the morning to help." Pam said and I nodded looking at the floor.

"Even better!" My dad said, "How about Tyler stays with her tonight? I don't want her to be alone." My dad stated and they all agreed. I was to upset to argue so I nodded and we headed out. This was going to be a long night.

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