One Night Meant To Spend Alone

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We hopped in my truck and I plugged in my phone. 'Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye' came on and I pulled out humming the lyrics. Tyler retrieved all his stuff and we were currently on the way to my motel room. I was holding in my tears the whole way because I've learned that tears are for the pillow at night or when you're alone. And I sure as hell ain't alone and I was not going to cry like a puss in front of him.

"Look, I'm sorry about my sister. She can be a handful. You're none of those things. Your gorgeous, kind, sweet, and wonderful. Don't let her words get to you." Tyler softly said grabbing my free hand. I rolled my eyes and turned off the highway.

"Sure she didn't. I'm just so stick of those damn rich rodeo queens who think they can do whatever they want because their family has a bit of money. And who does Mallory think she is?! What a bitch... Callin' me ugly. Sayin' I'm a charity case. If anyone's ugly it's her. Maybe not on the outside but on the inside. Just because I ain't got a fancy house or a 2013 truck, or the fanciest wear, doesn't mean I'm not a damn good rider. She doesn't have the right to say that to me. I apologized. I FREAKING APOLOGIZED!" I yelled, upset but quickly recovered realizing I said all that about his sister. I looked over, thinking I'd see him mad, but he was amused.

"Feel better?" He simply asked smirking.

"Yeah." I replied sheepishly as a tear rolled down my face. Psh. What a traitor. He didn't notice because I wasn't looking at him and it was dark in this part.

"Hey, you're gorgeous. And money don't matter. It doesn't mean a thing if you've got it or not. It's who you are." He said softly making another traitor roll down my face. Damn it! I pulled my hand out of his and wiped my tear as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Hey now, what's wrong?" He asked gently as I turned off the car. I just shook my head.

"Do you know how many times I've heard from your damn sister that I'm a worthless, poor, charity case? That I'm winning from flukes. That I shouldn't be here. How my brothers got the good looks and the charm and I got mine from roadkill?" I said hitting the wheel in frustration.

"Hey, hey, hey..." He said pulling me into his arms. "Calm down." He said rubbing my arms.

"I'm sorry... I'm probably annoying to with my problems.." I muttered into his shirt.

"It's fine." He replied smiling warmly at me. "You're problems are mine. Think of me as your new best friend." He said winking and I laughed. I was about to reply when there was a tap on the window. I turned to see Mike and Reece smiling widely and I blushed. I pulled out of Tyler's arms as he held a glare back. But I could see it. I rolled down the windows and gave a glare of my own.

"What are y'all doing here?" I asked meanly.

"Weell, Ma and Pa didn't want you two to be alone so they sent us. Plus. We're not going to cancel the room. We need the extra space. So Me and Reece are staying here with you and him if he wants." Mike said smirking.

"Argh. First, it's Reece and I. Secondly, way to ruin the moment." I said rolling up my window and unlocking the doors. "Let's get this over with.." I muttered and Tyler laughed.

"They're not that bad. Minus their poor grammar." He said smirking and I chuckled.

"Says the man who was glaring a minute ago." And he chuckled.

"Got me there. Let's go." He said getting out as I followed doing the same. He grabbed his bags from the bed of my ford; I watched his muscles show through his dark blue v-neck.

I quickly averted my eyes when he caught me staring and I blushed.

"Let's go. I'm tired." I muttered as Reece laughed.

"Right. That's why you took a nap on the truck. Are you only tired because y'all were checkin' out Pretty boy over there?" He whispered to me but apparently Mike heard because he burst out laughing too. Poor Tyler was so lost as my face was glowing red.

"Shut up..." I growled.

"It's okay. I understand, really. He's just so pretty." He said teasingly. But there was some harshness behind his words.

"What's your problem!?" I growled spinning around on my heel to face him.

"Hey now," Mike said pulling us apart. "He's just a little pissy because Tyler beat him in bull riding today." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh what a puss. Get off your stupid high horse and bring your ego down a bit or your head won't fit through the door. Oh wait, Tyler brought your ego down didn't he?" I said smugly, turning around and headed over to Tyler. I totally forgot he was a bull rider. He doesn't seem like one... He's nice! I didn't even notice we were at the elevator. I hesitated to get in but I did. I have a tiny fear of elevators but he didn't have to know that.

I huddled in the corner waiting for our floor. Which with my luck, was the highest floor. I groaned. 'Could this elevator go any slower?!' Tyler looked at me funny and it was probably because of my groan.

"What's wrong?" He asked and my brother's heads slowly looked at me with their smirking faces.

"Reece Tyler Hayes. Michael Trevor Hayes,don't you dare." I said venomously.

"What? Us? Never." They both said smiling slyly.

"What am I missin' here?" Tyler asked and Reece's smile got wider.

"Little Miss Rodeo Queen over here is scared of elevators and we almost forgot!" He replied and Tyler chuckled.

"Really?" He asked me. And there goes me thinking he wouldn't find out.

"Yeah." I muttered. Seriously! Could this thing go any slower!? We're on floor 11 right now but our stop is level 25. I know I've been callin' it a motel but it's just a tall, shitty hotel.

Reece started walking over to me and Mike tripped him making the elevator jolt and I screamed. They all laughed.

"Stop! It's not funny!" I cried out dramatically.

"What isn't? This?" Mike replied jumping and I yelped. Soon Mike and Reece where both jumped and I was petrified.

"Please stop!" I cried out. We were on level 20 when I heard a snapping sound and they both stopped jumping as Tyler cradled me in his arms and we all froze. "What. Was. That?" I said scared.

"Uh. That was nothing. It wasn't anything." Tyler replied eyeing the boys like they were having a secret conversation. The elevator slowed down even more and another sound happened as the elevator jolted again.

"FRENCH FRACKING TOAST! GET ME THE FUDGE OUT OF HERE NOW!" I yelled crying. I had tears rolling down my face and the boys hit the level but it didn't move. They pried open the doors all together and thankfully, it was on our floor. It was jammed. I quickly leaped out as did they and I ran for our room door. Soon we got there and I was hyperventilating.

"Shit Payton. I didn't think anything would happen." Reece said softly pushing my hair out of my face as I sat on the floor in Tyler's arms.

"Yeah well it did." I said still shaken up as I slowly stood up. "Just open the damn door." I muttered. I watched both Reece and Mike search there pockets then their eyes go wide.

"Damn. We must've left it in the elevator." Mike stated.

"Well mines in the car." Reece replied. Tyler was silent through the whole elevator ride up until now.

"Well. I for one am not getting it back.. " I replied and they all laughed. "Here's mine." I stated handing them mine. Once it was open, I headed into the bathroom and changed heading back out to the bed.

"Tomorrow. I'm taking the stairs." I growled making them all laugh. One by one they all made their ways in and out of the bathroom. But when Tyler did, one word was on my mind. Damn. His hair drippin', the towel hanging low, he don't have a six pack but he got like a four pack. It was amazing. He was hotter then before... I blushed as he smirked catching me looking and shoved my head into the pillow as they all chuckled. Like a half an hour later I felt the bed dip in and I turned to see Tyler laying, eyes closed. And I smiled. I turned back around and before I fell asleep, I felt his arm around my waist. And I was out.

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