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The events today went by pretty fast, I set another record in pole bending and unfortunetly, Mallory set one in barrels. I was pissed! I don't know why she hates me so much, but it sure is fueling my hate for her. I really tried to be nice, I did, but you don't mess with someone's horse. It's just flat out wrong. I mean, don't get me wrong I hate the girl, but her horse is fast and I give her that. Erica's not to bad but I am really pissed at Tyler still. I can't hate the poor girl though, I mean, after all, her and I are going for a trail ride to the bonfire tonight with Shae. I know, who says it's smart to take three horses there? But my horse is perfectly fine by huge fires, loud noises, fire-crackers/fire works and more, plus a little down the property is a barn that they'll be in once we get there so no drunk teenagers will mess with them. She's really not to bad, she wanted me to invite that cop but, I don't know why I would invite a cop to an illegal party? Wouldn't that be pretty bad? 

"Hey chicka," Shae greeted, as she took a seat on the bail of hay next to me, "How do you feel after today? Are you sure you want to ride with, that?" She spat out disgusted, pointing at Erica. She really doesn't appriciate her or Tyler now, I mean, honestly, I don't either. But it's really not her fault as much as I want to punch her in the face. She's pretty cool in the arena and to-and-from the rodeos but other than that, she can be a complete bitch. So when she asked us if she could trail with us, we couldn't exactly say no. She hadn't really given us a reason to that day. Well, Shae thought we could, but it wouldn't be right. But I had to convince dumb and dumber to get Tyler and say it was a 'guys time' so they would bike over on the motor bikes or the four-wheeler if you're like Reece. (Dumb and dumber being the twins Reece and Mike). There was no way I could stand them two, sitting double on her horse. My jealousy would make me pissed. And it really was. So I decided I would give a call to the cute cop and hope he had a fun side or we might just be busted. Yes, us, because it's Tyler's property and both our parents went out of town together to 'catch up'. In other words, gamble at the casinos. 

"Eh, I mean there's no much I can do about it. At one point, yeah we had a thing but I guess this was his way of saying it didn't mean shit and whatever it was, was only short lived. I should've known better than to get my hopes up for some cowboy." I sighed angrily, as I brushed the mud off my boots. I was cleaning all the tack previously, so I figured why not clean these to so my truck doesn't get dirty. Shae just sighed, and grabbed my other boot and brush and started helping me.

"You know I love you but it's not healthly to be this sad, plus its harshing my vibe. So here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna invite a cutie or just meet one and you're gonna show Tyler what he is missing by picking a bimbo who only rides the horse someone saddles for her." She stated shaking her head disapprovingly. 

"Hey guys!" We heard someone hollar. I turned around to see the one and only Erika coming my way. Fake or not, I smiled and proceeded to wave to her as she continued to make her way over to us. When she finally got to us, she smiled and handed us both two hamburgers and sat next to us.

"I was on a trail and decided to make a run to Ben's Burgers down the street. Hope y'all like cheeseburgers and fries." She said excitedly, pulling a fast food bag out of her backpack and a couple sodas.

"Oh thank you, that was very sweet of you. How much do we owe you?" I questioned, taking the burgers and passing Shae a burger and fries. 

"None, it was on me." She smiled, "You guys both did really amazing today. I mean, there's always room for improvement but it wasn't bad." She smirked a little before smiling. I think she complimented us then took it back at the same time. 

"Oh, thanks." I mumbled, biting my burger.

"Wish I could say the same." Shae whispered under her breath, taking a bite of her burger. I elbowed her gently and shook my head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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