Date? Psh. No.

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The next morning I hopped up and did the same Routine Before heading off to the arena. The events went by fairly quick today and, I did pretty good in all of them. I got 13.46 in Barrels which was another new arena' record! I was so happy I was literally jumping with joy; which would be a little hard considering I was on Spartan. Oh what joy I felt when I beat 14.35 which was another arena record by little miss perfect herself. Yeah, you guessed it, Mallory. She thought she had it in the bag! In goat tying, I got 18.9. Not my best record but it was enough to put me in third. In Girls Breakaway (Girls Roping) I got 5.4, which was good, put me in second. Pole bending I got 19.6 which I almost knocked down a pole so I froze which was stupid, I was stupid. Staring at Tyler and that girl again. It was eating me away! But anyways, with that mistake, I placed second if I'm lucky, and I can't remember the last score, But I placed in first in that one though.

I was currently listening to George Strait - Give It All We Got Tonight while brushing Spartan down at the Harvey's. Today was a good day for all of us, even Mallory. She beat me in pole bending, but that's all. But all in all, I'm happy with my runs and that's all I can ask for. I finished up with Spartan and put her in the stall next to Flag; Mr. And Mrs. Harvey supplied us with stay for us and our horses. Which we were and are so grateful for.  

I walked out of Spartan's stall and gave her a pat. I shut the big steel door and ran inside. I heard howling and growling so I really didn't want to stick around to find out what it was. We had coyotes and wolves and I really didn't want a show down. I shut the door quickly sliding down when I hit someone. . I looked down and saw my brother sittin on the floor.  

"What the heck?" 

"I heard howling.." He mumbled and I let out a chuckle.  

"You? You were scared? You the big bull riding cowboy? Ha.. imagine that." I stated hoarse.  

"I wasn't scared. And They were growling.." He muttered slightly annoyed.  

"Whatever you say bubba." I stated using my nickname for him. I pushed myself off the floor wiping off my already muddy pants and headed for the door. "Well I for one, am going to bed so goodnight and don't let the beddy bugs bite." I muttered turning the corner. I heard a faint 'night' before I made it up the stairs.  

I grabbed a few things and headed into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and through my hair in a bun before changing. I changed into my oversized superman T-shirt and my short shorts and put fuzzy socks on before exiting the bathroom. I headed back down stairs in silence; I think everyone's gone to bed. The only sound I could hear was my feet shuffling on the marble floor covered in rugs. I chuckled when I heard the tv on, guess I'm not the only one awake at one am. I quickly poured myself a glass of water in the kitchen them headed back to my 'room'. I thought about Tyler the whole way there. How cute his smile was or how his hair would naturally curl when we would go to the creek. Or how he'd laugh at all my jokes, even when they weren't funny. When he'd make me smile when I was sad or mad. He was perfect. He was kind and generous. Smart, caring, understand, and more. He's perfect. I sighed knowing I'd never manage getting a man like that and started over to the bed.  

I pulled the fluffy comforter back before sliding in the warm bed. I saw my books stacked up on the little table next to the bed, so I reached for one. Though I quickly pulled back and cradled my wrist. I didn't know they did this much damage on my wrist and up my arm. My wrist had a few scrapes but was purple and blue while my arm followed the color in hand print marks. But not much, it's going to be painful tomorrow.  

Tomorrow. What is tomorrow? Am I forgetting something?  

Oh, tomorrow is the day we're all going back home. Because boys and I have been called into work; which, by the way, sucks.  

I don't want to leave, I will miss this place. I crawled further under the beige comforter and slowly but peacefully fell asleep.

I heard the sound of someone walking through the hall which had awaken me from my sleep. I let out a yawn and stretched a little bit; I rolled over falling of the bed. In the process I managed to slam my head on the nightstand on the way down. I landed with a thump on the ground with a groan shortly after. I rubbed my hand and slowly stood up, grabbing my slippers. I slipped them on and glance at the clock, 8:00 am already, yes. I got to sleep in finally! But that's probably so my parents could sleep in before the long drive home. I quickly made up the bed and jumped into the shower. It was humongous! It had at least 5 shower heads and a separate bathtub on the other side! I haven't taken a shower in here before, I always used the guest room because I thought this bathroom was another guest room. The door was always shut in my defense. I finished everything then headed down stairs. I was looking forward to seeing Tyler. I really wanted to talk to him. Ugh, I think I have a crush on him but I'll never admit it. To anyone. Ever. I walked down stairs and heard laughing in the living room and ran towards it.  

"Tyler!" I sang out sliding into the living room happily but it quickly faded leaving me sad. I walked in on him with the mysterious blonde girl on his lap, kissing! It broke my heart. Literally. You know that saying, 'True hearts can't be broken,' well, they can. And mine was. "Oh, uh, sorry. I'll just uh. Go." I mumbled looking at the floor and scrambling out of the room. But not before a hand stopped me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I said sadly when he grabbed my arm and turned me around.  

"No uh. Payton it's uh, fine." He stuttered running his hand through his hair. A thing he did when he was upset or confused.  

"No no, I'll go. Truly I am so sorry, I really didn't mean to interrupt. Looked uh....important?" Important? Really? They were making out,not having a council meeting. I unconsciously smacked myself in the face, making them stair at me like I was crazy. If I wasn't blushing before, I sure am now.  

"Uh are you okay?" Mystery girl asked.  

"Uh yeah. Sorry." I muttered and she nodded.  

"Okay, then who the hell are you?" She asked me confused, but it was rather rude in my defense.  

"Oh uh. I'm Payton. Payton Hayes, we have been staying here for the last couple days, almost a week or two." I stated shyly and she gasped.  

"She's been staying here?! In our guest house? And you didn't even think to tell me when we did that thing last night?" She yelled blushing slightly when she mentioned that 'thing' last night and if I thought I was heartbroken before, I was wrong. I truly am now.  

"Uh. I'm going to go." I said awkwardly and he shook his head.  

"No, you're fine. And I'm sorry babe, I forgot. She must've slipped my mind." He muttered.  

"Ouch." I mumbled. I guess I could easily slip his mind, guess he doesn't care. I didn't think he heard me say that but the sympathy in his eyes told me he did. I just glared at the ground. "Well... Enough about me. Who are you?" I asked maybe a little to grouchy.  

"I'm Erica. Tyler's girlfriend of the past six months." Oh. There goes another piece of my heart. He's been leading me on this whole time just to break me like a promise? So casually, like he wasn't playing with a heart that so easily shattered like glass. He didn't care, he never did. That's what the game is about. He only wants you to think he cares so he can get the last look and satisfaction at the end of the night.  

"Oh." I said blankly. "Okay, well, I'm going to my bedroom.." I muttered crawling up the stairs and landing on my pillow before crying. How could he do that? Was he leading me on or was all the signs I thought I saw, never there in the first place. Did I just imagine he liked me the whole time? Or was he just leading me on this whole time? He didn't even mention a girlfriend. Not once. And he had the NERVE to ask me out last night? No way in hell. I fell asleep on the bed, crying myself to sleep.

Everything I ever thought about him, was wrong.

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