chapter 8 promises fulfilled

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I spend two full days in the hospital, resting and eating sherbet. I try to watch T.V. but a headache followed after ten minutes. I start looking forward to my meals in hopes of seeing Jimin again, but I am met with disappointment when he never appears.

Alice stopped by with my backpack, car keys, and my cold chicken nuggets; we chatted for a bit and I enjoyed the company, but I felt worse when she left.

I distract myself from the loneliness by contacting my professors and explaining my situation. Thankfully, I am given extensions for my assignments and my exam dates are moved back. I worked on my homework when the painkillers kicked in and took breaks when they would fade. When the sun sets on Friday evening, I finish my remaining homework and buy myself time to relax when I return home when I am discharged on Saturday.

Unfortunately, the bruises on my body started to darken and turned into painful splotches of violet and blue. They cover my body like the burns of a fire; spreading across my body in circular patterns. The presence of the bruises wipes away all doubts as to why I am in the hospital. The mere sight of me would be proof enough. I look worse than I feel. Maybe it is grace because it allows my mind to reset from the things it experienced.

On Saturday morning, I wake up feeling oddly refreshed and ready to start my day. I would do anything to escape this boring room and its stale scent of disinfectant. I check my phone a few times for nonexistent notifications and wait not-so-patiently for a nurse to break me out of this place.

The door finally opens and a new nurse walks in. She wears scarlet red scrubs with white circular patterns on the fabric. I am a little sad that it isn't Namjoon. I was hoping to hear that story about the time his hybrid, Jin, went shopping on his own and the chaotic aftermath of it.

The new nurse examines me with a bright expression—she's probably one of the dayshift nurses—and pulls out her tablet, "How are you feeling today, miss?"

"Good," I answer truthfully and then smirk, "don't let the bruises fool you."

She chuckles lightly and nods. "Then I've got good news for you. We'll be discharging you today at noon." She looks over the tablet again, "Do you have a ride, or do you need to use the hospital shuttle?"

"I can use the shuttle." I don't want to bother Alice, especially after a Friday night. Those political science majors know how to party and judging by how drunk she sounded in her texts, she'll be too sick to do anything before noon. Besides, she has already helped me so much. I don't want to bother her anymore. "Is there a change of clothes..?" I glance down at my patient's gown.

"Yes, of course, I can grab them for you." She walks over to a cabinet built into the wall and pulls out a set of white pajamas. It's the same design Jimin was wearing when I met him in the cafeteria. She places them on the bed and her gaze is soft when she meets my eyes. "Do you need help getting changed?"

I shake my head, "No, I can do it. But thank you." I pause for a moment, "Do you happen to know Jimin?"


"The hybrid," I clarify, remembering that not all the nurses know about him. "He's a friend of mine. Is he doing okay? Last I heard he was in stable condition..."

She gives me a curious look. "He's doing good. He has calmed down since he arrived. I assume you're the one he's asking for."

My eyes widened in surprise. "He asked about me?"

"If you are 'his' Eden, then yes." Her face softens with an unreadable expression. "He is very worried about you. However, the doctor thinks it's best if you stay separate..."

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