chapter 30 off to the drug dealer

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The week did not drag nor was it quick. I fell into a comfortable rhythm with the boys and found myself enjoying my time at home. Each day was like the one before it with some varying events between lunchtimes and in our movie choices.

Jimin and I continued to sleep together while the boys claimed my bed for their own. We woke up late every day and usually dragged each other out of bed for food, whining about hunger and boredom. I started to make meals again and enjoyed cooking for more than one person. Listening to their idle chatter in the living room brought a smile to my face as I boiled water for ramen or scooped rice into my rice cooker.

After lunchtime, I worked on homework until my head started to hurt while the boys played games on my tablet. Sometimes we would gather to talk about anything and everything when I gave up on homework.

The best moments were when I was watching an online lecture and Jimin would come into my room, a tad shy, and crawl up onto my bed. He would lie down beside me and rest his head on my lap. I'd run my hands through his thick hair a few times and listen to the sound of his soft purrs instead of my professor.

When dinner arrived, we fell into the habit of ordering food or eating the previous night's leftovers. However, I expect Jungkook will take over cooking dinner since his fascination with cooking has grown. I find Jungkook watching more cooking videos than video game streams lately.

Taehyung and I began to warm up to each other over time. It took a while before Taehyung started to talk to me instead of talking around me. Slowly, we came to understand and know each other through our small acts.

Taehyung is always the first to offer to do the dishes after I cook. I make a clear point that he can request any food he wants. Taehyung asks me about my school and I ask him about his dreams for the future. On Wednesday night, after finishing our movie, Taehyung told me his story of being kidnapped as a child and how he met Jimin. He explained how much Jimin meant to him and how he had difficulty sharing Jimin and Jungkook with me.

I told him I understood that he felt that way, and added that I admired their strong relationship.

Taehyung proceeded to apologize for his attitude towards me in the beginning.

I reassured him that it was okay and he didn't need to apologize but he persisted. Taehyung told me that he was being rude to me because he was being possessive which wasn't a good thing. He promised to do better in the future and hoped to get to know me better. I agreed to want to know him better and we spent all of Thursday hanging out and making small snacks together.

On Friday, we finally received the promised allowance from the hybrid agency to help pay for food and other supplies. The boys were ecstatic about the promise of a shopping trip and wrote up a list of all the things they claimed were essential to their survival such as ice cream, matching Gucci belts, a small portable speaker, an insane amount of meat, Uno, and more pillows.

As much as I wanted to buy them matching Gucci belts, I had to revise the shopping list and add some more practical items that wouldn't blow our budget out of the water.

I also received a call from the hospital asking if I wanted to pick up another package of pain medication for my rib and concussion. I said yes, knowing I'd rather take a pill than suffer through a night of pain.

I made the appointment to pick up my medicine on Friday morning to break my sleeping-in habit and motivated myself with the promise of grabbing breakfast on my way to the hospital. Though I still didn't have a car, I knew I could order a taxi to pick me up so that wouldn't be an issue. I'm not supposed to start driving for a while anyway.

On Thursday night, I fell asleep in Jimin's arms once again, still on the floor of my bedroom, and listened to the sound of snoring fill the night air...

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