chapter 25 home sweet home

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"I solemnly swear never to come back to this place..." I mutter to myself as I cross the hospital doors. I pray that I will never be attacked, kidnapped, or drugged again so I will never return to the hospital. I doubt my prayers will work since I have the absolute worst luck in the universe but it doesn't hurt to try.

I wrap my arms around myself to block out the cold wind. I walk to the edge of the curb and wait patiently for the hospital shuttle to come around. I rock on the backs of my heels as I wait for the boys to catch up.

The winter sun has already begun to set and rests comfortably on the cityscape horizon. The sky darkens with shades of violet and navy blue. The evening air freezes inside my lungs and begins to cause the inside of my nose to freeze. I scrunch up my features and quickly brush my hair back from my face.

I begin to hear Jimin's voice as they come out of the hospital lobby. "Her apartment is very nice. She only has one bed but it's a big one. She also can order food from her phone so we don't have to leave," he explains with a hint of excitement.

"It'll be like a sleepover, we will all sleep together," Jungkook assumes with bright eyes. His fluffy black tail wags behind him as he follows Jimin closely.

Taehyung studies the two boys curiously, sticking close to Jimin's side like a magnet. "Does she have a TV?"

"I think so. But she can't watch anything yet."

I raise an eyebrow at him, still looking over my shoulder. "Why not?"

Jimin meets my gaze and gives me an obvious look. "You have a concussion. You're not allowed to look at screens."

I blink at him in surprise. "Oh. You remembered..."

Jimin throws his arm around Taehyung's shoulder and leans against him. He rolls his eyes dramatically as his cat tail flicks up in the air, "Well of course I remembered. Why wouldn't I?"

My heart feels warm at the thought of him remembering what the doctor told me. It's comforting to know somebody besides myself is looking out for me.

"And Eden," Jungkook jogs up to my side and flashes me a dazzling smile, showing teeth from his wide grin, "thank you for taking us in. I know you didn't have to, so thank you!"

I smile in return and lightly nudge his arm, "It's no problem."

Jungkook stands at my side and starts bouncing from the cold weather. He rubs his arms quickly and glances over his shoulder at the slow couple. He looks back at me, still jumping, and then wraps his arms around me without warning.

I stiffen and watch him hug me tightly, burying his head into my shoulder. Jungkook's thick black hair is fluffy from his shower and the fur on his puppy ears is silky. He smells so good. He hums quietly and sways from side to side as he hugs me.

"You're warm," he mumbles into my jacket. "So warm..." He continues to sway us and ends up walking us around in a small circle.

I chuckle softly and allow him to move me around. I am freezing so I welcome any heat I can receive.

"Heyyy, hey what are you doing?" Jimin runs up to us with a playful pout on his face. He latches himself onto Jungkook's back and wraps his arms around his waist. Jimin bursts out laughing as he tugs sharply on Jungkook to drag him off, "Come on, what are you doing?" he teases.

Jungkook complains and tries to shove him off but Jimin clings to him like a koala bear. Jimin grins over Jungkook's shoulder and starts trying to tickle him. Jungkook yelps, his ears perking up in response, and he immediately releases me to attack Jimin.

Jungkook starts smacking Jimin on the shoulder before forcefully pushing him away. "YAH. What are you doing?" he asks sharply, his voice slipping into an unfamiliar accent.

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