chapter 9 terms and conditions

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Before the snide doctor leaves, he emphasizes the strict screening process and mountain of contracts that come with adopting a hybrid. It doesn't do a single thing to discourage me. I answer his remarks with a simple smile and agree to wait for the contracts to arrive.

I have all the time in the world to fight with this doctor. I am determined to repay my debt to Jimin and it will take more than a few rude comments to stop me.

The other nurses, thankfully, leave with the doctor and the weight of their eyes lift off my chest like magic.

The moment the door closes, Jimin curls up beside me and clings to my arm. He rests his narrow chin on my shoulder and presses his soft cheek against the side of my neck. His eyes are sleepy, his body feels relaxed as he cuddles.

I listen to his soft breathing and the occasional moan of exhaustion escaping his full-shaped lips. I school my expression to remain neutral and pretend that I am unaware of his warm presence. I make no move to encourage or adjust him away from me.

I think he's exhausted from the stress of the hospital, considering the dark circles under his eyes. I doubt he's slept in days, so if he feels safe enough to sleep on me, I'll let him. It's a good thing that he is calm, and I won't disturb that.

The door opens and a handsome man walks into the room. He approaches the bed with a kind look and bows politely. "Hello, my name is Lee Hyun. I work for AGE, I'm a resident hybrid representative. I'm here to interview you and talk about adopting Jimin."

Jimin opens his eyes and half-listens to the man, still focusing on getting rest. I give Lee Hyun my undivided attention so this process can go smoothly.

Hyun asks us questions about the nature of our relationship and how we met, and I answer most of them. I give most of the details and emphasize our newfound friendship during our recovery. It seems enough to convince him because he decides to show us the contract requirements.

To adopt a hybrid, one must be over the age of twenty-one, able to sustain a stable income, be able to care for the hybrid as if it were your child, and more. The requirements are extensive and detailed, leaving no room for interpretation or loopholes. The rules place a heavy emphasis on treating the hybrid as a person, not as a pet. He describes the ethical issue of using the term "own" instead of "adopt" and makes a firm point on how I will become Jimin's guardian, not an owner.

It's impressive, and I am happy they put so much effort into ensuring the hybrid's safety and humanity.

When he finishes, he shows me the contract and allows me to read it. I notice a section marked as benefits and I point it out to him, wondering what it means.

He explains that the government provides funds for new hybrid guardians in order to help support their needs such as clothes, food, and other necessities. The money is only valid when buying items from government and AGE-approved shopping sites made specifically for hybrids. This ensures that the money is being used for the hybrid's needs, not the guardian's.

Included in the benefits section is an option to attend free therapy sessions for mental care and relationship training. I plan on looking further into that in the future.

Finally, we come to the signing of the contract. I agree to sign without hesitation, knowing I made a promise to Jimin and I won't break it. I sign my name on the tablet and allow the sensor to scan my fingerprint to confirm my identity. When I finish, I give Jimin a hopeful smile, "Almost there."

Jimin sits up from his resting position and stares at the contract with awe. "You did it. You're really doing it..." He turns to me with deep respect in his eyes.

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