chapter 35 stars worth wishing on

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"I can't believe I just did that," I whisper in shock, settling into the seat of the taxi. My body is shaking from the rush of adrenaline. My leg bounces anxiously and I fear if I stop it, I might explode from nervous energy.

Of all the things I planned for tonight, this scenario was not one of them.

If I knew I would disown my parents tonight, I might have handled it better. But what else could I have done? I couldn't stomach the idea of allowing them to continue their antics. My eyes finally opened when I saw how they treated Taehyung. They treated him like they treat me and I couldn't allow it.

Taehyung hurries into the warmth of the car and squishes his body against mine. He leans on me as he wraps his arm around my tense shoulder. His head tips down to examine my face, his lips barely touching the bridge of my nose. He praises me in a gentle tone, "You did so well... you did amazing back there."

"I still can't believe it," I repeat, staring down at my bouncing knee. "I just... it felt so...good." I scoot away from Taehyung and lean against the car door. I gape at him, "Why does it feel good? Is that a bad thing? I mean..." I trail off and begin to chew on my lower lip. "They're my parents. I... " I am not sure how I'm supposed to finish my sentence. My mind is still spinning from it all. It's difficult to put it into words.

Taehyung rests his large hand on my head causing the snow in my hair to melt. He leans closer and casts me a reassuring look. "If it feels good, then you did the right thing. It's going to be alright."

"You're right..." I let out a loud sigh of relief and relaxed my head back. The ice coating the car window is bitterly cold against my scalp but I don't move. I close my eyes and relish the darkness for a moment.

I don't have to think about them anymore. I don't have to worry about pleasing them anymore.

I'm free.


I am quiet for the rest of the car ride. Strangely enough, the dinner took more energy than I realized and all I want in the world is to collapse. All I want is to fall asleep beside Jimin and forget the looks on my parents' faces when I told them I had enough.

I should feel more proud. I should feel happier. Yet the lingering emotions of guilt for dismissing my parents from my life fester in the back of my mind. I haven't dealt with a situation like this before.

I don't know how to feel yet.

Taehyung is incredibly kind and took the events in stride, but my heart reaches for my memories of Jimin to seek comfort. It yearns to hear the soft, airy tone of his voice, to feel his hands slide up my arms, to feel the quick flick of his tail against my leg, to know his warmth underneath our shared blankets... I want to hear what he thinks about this. I want to listen to his advice and know his thoughts.

This special connection cannot be ignored.

This love for him.

The car comes to a slow stop outside of my apartment. The driver hardly spares us a look since I already paid for his services through the app. I'm thankful he is minding his own business. Taehyung lifts his head from my shoulder and sleepily gazes out of the frosted window. "It's snowing more..." he comments with soft wonder.

I nod in agreement as I open up my door. I am greeted with a fresh breeze of wintery air and a flurry of thick snowflakes. I step out of the car and gaze up at the dark sky above us. Snow flutters from the sky like butterflies and lightly kisses my cheeks as they fall.

Taehyung exits the car and comes to stand by my side. The pure snow catches in his thick, dark curls and eyelashes. He smiles sadly as he watches the snow. "I can tell you wanted Jimin here tonight."

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