chapter 22 stay with me

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"Early this morning, the police arrived at the Grass Flower Arboretum after receiving an anonymous tip about possible illegal activities taking place within the abandoned facility. I am here, live, with Chief of Police, Michael Johnson, to give us details on the situation..."

"We have already infiltrated the building and apprehended fifty people associated with the illegal activities. It was a hybrid smuggling facility. They sold illegal hybrids to the black market out of this place. We found over fifteen hostages, some of which were already trying to escape which, I assume, was where the anonymous tip came from.

"We are continuing to investigate the area for more information and how extensive this operation was. The leader of this ring has already been put into custody and will face severe criminal charges for human trafficking. The victims of this terrible act have already been transported to the nearest hospital to be provided with the best care.

"Many of the victims suffer from malnutrition, physical injuries due to abuse while in captivity, and intense mental trauma. Some of which were not in full control of themselves which made it difficult to move them. Hybrid trafficking is a serious crime, and me and my team will do everything in our power to put an end to it. That's all—"

"Turn it off."

The young nurse aide turns around in surprise, realizing I am fully awake. She is still holding the remote in her hand. She quickly turns off the holographic TV and stammers a quick apology.

I look away from her, not wanting to listen to her apologize profusely about being "insensitive". It was just too loud. It was giving me a headache. I inhale deeply, tasting the strange medicinal gas on the back of my tongue, and tilt my head back against the pillow.

I stare up at the white hospital room ceiling and give myself déjà vu.

I couldn't last one day out of the hospital.

"How are you feeling?" the nurse aide asks hesitantly. She approaches my bed slowly, her hands twitching nervously at her sides.

I reach up distractedly and trace the plastic tube from my nose down to the machine at the bed's side. I breathe slowly again. My eyes slowly glaze over with another wave of drug-induced exhaustion hits. "It feels like..." my lips feel numb, "like nothing is real."

The nurse aide stares worriedly at me.

I glance at her through the corner of my eye. "Where's Jimin?"

"Jimin?" Her eyes squint with confusion. "Who's that?"

I try not to feel irritated with this poor girl. She probably has no idea what happened. She's no mind reader either. Even so, I hate that I have to continue explaining to all these doctors and nurses that Jimin and I need to stay together.

I don't want to be away from him again.

"Miss Eden? Are you alright?"

I blink a couple of times and bring myself back into reality. I look at the nurse aide again to refocus. "Oh. Sorry. Jimin is my friend." I pause before adding, "He's my hybrid."

Her eyes widened with realization. "Oh, he is in the waiting room. The doctor wanted to make sure you were stable before allowing visitors."

I'll be stable if Jimin is with me.

A small voice in the back of my mind whispers, "How the turntables turn..."

It's as if we've switched places.

I guess the cycle hasn't ended yet.

"Is he alone?" I ask worriedly, "How long has it been? What—" I attempt to sit up but find my arms limp as a noodle. In an instant, memories of the morning come back to me at full force.

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