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(btw the song 'me and my husband' by Mitski is not supposed to be toxic its supposed to be about a girl who's been tormented and looked down at the whole time but when her husband walks in she feels loved.)


Draco was on his knees at the flowerbed watering some flowers. He turned to the two five-year-olds yelling." James Edward Potter let go of your sister's hair".The brown-haired little boy with blue-grey eyes let go of his sister's fiery red hair.

Another second Draco heard more screaming, he sighed to see his daughter throwing dirt at her brother." Narcissa Dariana Potter stop throwing dirt this instance".The hazel eyes girl stoped, throwing a glare at her brother.

Draco went inside the home for a quick moment. To pick up the two toddlers jumping around in a playpen." Lily come to papa" he cooed, grabbing the blonde baby. With his other hand, he effortlessly picked up the other baby with black hair. He carried the two and placed them on a blanket outside.

He quickly regretted that choice because they both. Began to eat the flower"Lily Luna and Scorpius Jude Potter stop eating that".Making them spit out the plants he went over and put them in the playpen yet again. Yet this time Harry was home"Draco" he grinned going over to his husband.

Draco gave him a kiss on the lips, "Your children are acting like devil spawns".Harry laughed looking at the babies" Is that true guys".The babies began to let out little giggles." Well I'll take that as a yes, who wants to come with me"Harry made a grabby motion.

Lily shook her head, pushing her head to Dracos's chest. Hary rolled his eyes playfully picking up Scorpius." They both have my eyes" he smirked, "Well whatever James has my eyes" he stuck out his tongue. They both walked out into the garden and were horrified, both Narcissa and James were covered in mud.

Draco huffed handing Lily to Harry."Why are you both covered in mud" he scolded. James pointed at his redheaded sister"She started it".She made a 'hmph' noise "I did not!" Draco sighed at their antics. A gust of water showered the three of them, Draco turned.

Harry was smiling at him with a hose in his hand. Draco turned to him and slapped his shoulder" Harry I just bought this shirt" he whined."Oh shut up" he met their lips together. Running his hand through Dracos blonde hair." Ew!" yelled James and Narcissa.


After three hours Narcissa and James were showered and clean. Draco was putting them to bed while Harry bathed the other two." Papa where did you meet dad" asked James. Draco smiled"I meet him at school"Lily giggled"How was he before".Draco smiled at the memories"A troublemaker and very handsome like he is today".

"When did he ask you to marry him"whispered Lily.


Draco and Harry were currently in the beautiful lands of Italy. Draco was sat on a stool trying to paint the sky. But he couldn't get what he wanted to show. Harry stood next to and kissed his cheek"Hey".Draco smiled back at him"Hello".Draco stood up grabbing his hands.

"You look gorgeous today" Draco raised a brow." So I don't look good every day".Harry chuckled"You know I didn't mean it like that".Draco giggled taking his jaw and giving him a soft peck on the lips."Close your eyes" whispered Harry.

Draco closed his eyes, he heard nothing but waited."Open your eyes" his blue-grey eyes fluttered open. Harry was down on one knee with a ring on his finger. Draco gasped"Draco Lucius Malfoy every single day I spend with you is a gift.

-And if we're being honest I would do everything and anything to be with you. I love how you say what's on your mind and your confidence. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and maybe even have kids. So please, will you marry me?"

Draco had tears flooding his eyes, he was engulfed in happiness." Yes I will!" he ran over to Harry and gave him a tight embrace.


"Wow I want to get married one day" giggled Lily."Some day but you're too young right now"Draco kissed her forehead and tucked her to bed. Doing the same with James, he turned off the lights. Starring at the kids from the door. He felt a hand on his face, he looked up to find green eyes.

He could have not asked for a better life, it was perfect.


OMG I am finally done with story this took what two years. I started in September 2, 2020 and have ended in January 28, 2021!I hope you guys loved the story, I adored writing it. If you have any comment, complains, concerns please comment them below.

happy wattpading🧊~

My Troublemaker❤Drarry !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now