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Harry was lying on his bed, like a corpse quiet and cold. The love of his life, Draco just saw him kiss another girl. But it wasn't his fault she kissed him first, he first meet the girl when he was moving in into the apartment complex.

 She was sweet and nice at first, inviting him over for dinner. But she then began getting obsessed and it annoyed Harry. What was that girl's name Kate, or Kore he couldn't remember?

He messed up badly, Draco had seen the whole thing. Harry tried to run over and explain but Draco didn't want to hear it. Memories flooded into his mind.

"Harry that's not how you paint tress, you should start watching bob ross'" Draco grabbed Harry's right hand with his." To make pine trees you need to press down and go right, then start going faster and then onto the left side".Draco giggled at Harry mediocre try at a tree. Draco went over and put his arms around the taller boy's neck, giving his lips a long sweet kiss." Harry I love you to the moon and back".

A tear went down Harry's cheek, how could he let go of his angel. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, he opened the door it was Ron."Mate, you don't look so well, also I found this on your doorstep".

handing over a small package covered in cream-colored paper, tied with a yarn bow. He opened it up revealing a letter and series of polaroids, he read the letter his eyes moving side to side.


Hey bitch it's me, Parkinson, you might not want to deal with me right now but you have to anyway. I don't know your side of the story so until I do I know you as a horrible evil cheater. Draco the poor baby was in tears. Don't worry I made him feel better, and look even more amazing. To be honest he looks pretty fuckable if I do say so myself.

Don't love,

Pansy Pan!

Harry cursed he was not in the mood to being mocked by Pansy. Ron went over to Harry's side and read the letter."That's pretty harsh mate, but I brought KFC if that's better" Ron smiled while holding a bucket of chicken. Harry sadly smiled they ate their dinner while watching tv. Maybe he should try to call Draco to explain himself. 

He went over to his bedroom and dialed the blond's number."Hi, its Draco"Harry sighed, and then he heard an angry grumble on the other side of the line"Harry I know it's you, and before you say anything shut up and go away I'm not in the mood" and then he harshly hanged up.

What was he expecting, for Draco to answer him calm and collected? He should have known better Draco is pretty sassy he chuckled memories again entering his line.

Draco scoffed"You'll have to wait Pottah if you want a blowjob wait for my nails to dry".Harry went over to him and started kissing his lips, tugging on the blond's lips tasting his mouth Draco let out a moan."a-ah, Harry stop your going to ruin my nails".P.S. he's nails never got dried and were in act ruined.

He went over to the package and look at the polaroids,damm you Pansy. Draco was in a mini skirt and shirt dancing having the time of his and smiling brightly. Of course, he looked fucking sexy, the skirt showed off his long pale legs and pudgy thighs.

 And he dyed ends really showed off his eyes, to no ones surprise Harry was hard. Ron had left already, wanting to spend time with his girlfriend Hermione. Leaving Harry with a boner, no boyfriend, and utterly empty.

My Troublemaker❤Drarry !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now