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Harry slowly stood up and went to the door and opened it when there was group of people.Draco looked over at the door "Pansy?!"Pasny walked over "The one and only Draco rolled his eyes."I brought the whole gang Blasie,carrot top and frizy hair"Hermione and Ron came in Ron of course with food and Hermione with books.Harry rubbed the back of his neck"Uh who invited you guys"

Pansy flipped her hair "None of your business Badboy,anways were going to do a spa day"Pasny got her backpack getting out facemasks,nailpoilsh,and other things.Hermione sat down with Ron"I wasn't planning this,I was studying for chemistry she began to open the huge book before her.Ron eating a piece of chicken hungrily.

They all began talking about their problems about each others relationships.All of them were in face masks,Pasny of course fighting with Draco choosing on which color to paint his nails."Cyan"Pasny said "Violet"Draco said back.
Violet,Cyan,Violet,Cyan. Hermione huffed "Look paint your fingernails violet and your toenails cyan there problem sloved"Hermione said.

Blasie rolled his eyes,the constant bickering between his two best friends.He turned  each page,in the magazine.But a redhead in the corner of his eyes keeps catching his eyes.He didn't know how the messy redhead and the smart bushy head girl got together.But opposite attracts I guess,he sighed.He started at Ron bright red hair and ocean,dark blue eyes and covered in freckles.

Blasie shook his head why is that damm Weasley getting in his head.Hes with Pasny and he loves her.He brought his mind back to the magazine.Draco and Pasny were not doing karaoke,singing the song material girl.Ron and Harry were laughing at Pasnys horrible singing.Hermione looked at her watch 12:35 pm,"Sorry guys I have to go bookclub"she said.Getting her bag and stuffing hit with her bags.Waving to everyone,Pasny turned around.

Her dark black bob and bangs moving with her head.Her blood red lips turned into a smile the microphone lowering down from her lips.She waved her hand,at the bushy haried girl "Bye 'Mione"she yelled bck.Hermione's lungs stopped ,almost choking but finally able to smile and wave back closing the door.She stood outside,feeling sketchy on why the girl caught her eye.

After Hermione left,the floor were left watching a movie.Harry and Draco of course were cuddling as well as Pansy and Blasie which left a lonely Ron.Blasie felt a bit bad,"Hey redhead want some  licorice"Ron moved a bit closer getting a piece of licorice.After a few hours Ron,Blasie and Pansy left the two alone.Draco yawned"I wonder where my parents think I'm doing Draco said.

Harry ran his fingers through the platinum blonde hair."tired?"Harry asked Draco nodded"Yeah the singing"Harry chuckled "You know your a great singer Draco snuggled close to Harry's chest"I dunno im good at many things".

Draco didn't fall asleep,he kept his head on Harry's chest thinking about his future.He knows his father is going to force him to marry someone that isn't Harry.He going to make live the picture perfect future.Having the perfect future,he doesn't mind that but not having Harry that...that just can't happen.He wish he could stop time,no actually change things.Change how his father view things,maybe even have a sibling so there stuck with making the heir.

Draco sighed he head hurt from all this negative thinking.He looked up at Harry.He put their lips together,tasting him his legs and straddling the boy under him.Harry's arms snaked up to the blonde's thigh,slowly moving back.Harry squeezed the smaller boys ass,making Draco moan.Harry smirked deepening the kiss.

♧Sorry for any spelling mistakes♧

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