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Narcissa served Draco some, iced tea, and a muffin. She looked over at Draco he looks scared, maybe it was that potter boy. Now that she thinks about it every since Draco has been with that boy he's been acting strangely not like himself. Maybe she made the wrong choice letting Draco get in a relationship with Potter. She sighs she should talk with Lucius about this, when he comes home of course.

Draco finished his breakfast, kissed his mother cheek, left, and headed off to school. That note really made him scared, Clearly, Harry had noticed because Harry quickly came up to him when he saw the blonde boy."Hey, Draco you ok you've been acting kinda weird' Draco looks at him and just stared at those green eyes, not answering. Harry kissed his forehead and cups his pale face with both of his hands"Are you okay".

Draco snapped out of it, "Oh yeah I'm fine I just zoned out" Harry nodded and intertwined their fingers both of them headed inside."Hey Harry what would you do if you got a weird note in Italian telling you that your father is not who you think he said"Draco asked rather quickly.

Harry looked at him weirdly, he opened his locker and started talking"Well I don't know because my dad is dead and I can't read Italian any reason your asking dollface"Draco giggled"no just read it in a novel I'm reading currently"Draco was searching through he locker for his needed materials when he heard a scream which made him scream too.

He turned around, it was fucking pansy course."Pansy can you not"Pansy rolled her eyes "I was going to ask if you and Mr.BadBoy here would like to go on a trip with me and Blaise"Draco turned around to Harry and Harry nodded, Draco scoffed"Where are we going"Pansy smiled evilly "Roller skating, arcade and lastly were sleeping over at a haunted house"

Drac starred at her"Fine, but you better be kidding on the last part you airhead"Draco headed off to class leaving a laughing Harry and offended Pansy behind.Draco was not having it with class, all of sudden school wasn't fun anymore. So he sat at the back of the class and put his head down and took a nap. He was awakened with the sound of the bell and walked out, he yawned hopefully nothing important happened.

He headed out and saw Pansy, Blasie, and Harry all talking next to a tree."Hey, you made it shorty"Blasie exclaimed Draco glared back.They all got in Harry's car vibing to the music, heading to the roller sake rink. Draco was happy when got there he was really good at roller skating ,and Pansy sucked so he got the upper hand.Harry surprisingly was good too,He said that his Friend Ron taught him.

Harry and Draco were skating together having a wonderful time,of course, every now and then laughing at pasny who kept on falling on her ass."Curse roller skating, I have a sore ass"Draco smirked"You don't complain about a sore ass after a night with Blasie"Blasie was in a laughing fit and so was Harry oh how Draco loved teasing Pasny.

The next stop was the arcade, Draco wasn't the best at video games but they were enjoyable. Draco was pissed, he at least spent thirty bucks on this game called PacMan. He was almost done collecting all the white dots but the red ghost caught up with him.He pouted"Noooo" Harry came behind him, "Let me try"Draco step aside and let Harry work his magic. The damm boy won, it took him a single try and it looked as if he could do it again with his eyes closed.

Draco laughed and looked over and saw Pansy and Blasie making out. Draco scoffed "Ugh get a room you two"Pansy laughed wiping off the lipstick stains on Blaise's lips. Draco was not so excited about there last and final stop, the haunted house.Pansy knew Draco hated haunted house's but then had the audacity to then make them sleep at one.

They arrived at it and went through the maze, Draco was sobbing,Blasie was kinda freaked out, Pansy was screaming and Harry was just laughing.Finally the dreaded time came, sleeping at the haunted house Blasie and Pasny went off to their room along with Draco and Harry."Ugh, Harry im bored out of my mind"Draco complained.

Harry reached over to Draco and straddled him,"Then what do you wanna do"Harry said while sucking on the pale neck, leaving marks."I-I well"Draco struggled with his words from the feeling of Harry's warm mouth on his neck. Suddenly Harry took of his shirt, Harry was beautiful that was clear to Draco just thinking about him made him smile.

"Your so sexy Dray" pulling his neck and pushing their lips together. Harry started to grind, sending waves off pleasure to both boys."Oh-h my god harry"Draco moaned, Draco could feel himself getting closer by just this small act. Harry turned Draco around on all fours, "suck" Harry ordered putting his fingers in the blonde's mouth, massaging the boys ass with his spare hand.

Harry spread Draco's cheeks and plunged a finger all the way to his knuckle.Draco whimperred,the feeling burned a little. Harry carefully added another finger siccorsing them both."O-oh my god Harry cursed he didn't have lube,he kissed Draco's tailbone."Love we don't have lube have something else"Draco singled over to his bag. Harry opened the bag and found some loition,and coated his length.

He slammed his length into Draco's entrance "Oh fuck faster"Draco screamed Harry speeded up, to tease Draco he would practically pull all out before slamming back inside causing alot of pleasure for both boys. Draco moaned loudly,bititng down on his lip to keep himself quiet.

Harry smirked knowing he found Draco's pleasure spot," Harry I'm so close" the blonde whined. Draco's moans were breathy and insanely loud as he let out 'ohs'.Harry picked up the speed and Draco yelled Harry's name coming on the sheetsHarry soon filling Draco up.Harry collapsed next to Draco both boys still panting."Let me clean you love"Harry grabbed some tissues cleaning them both up.Draco yawned he snuggled closer to Harry,all his fears went away,he liked being in love.

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