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Draco woke up to sunshine, he opened his eyes and looked over at his calendar. It was Saturday, no school so that meant to relax well kinda. Draco was forced to learn Italian and French, he already knew how to talk, write, and read in both languages but his father wanted perfection. So that meant studying every Saturday at least for an hour.

Draco headed down and ate his breakfast as slowly as he could he really didn't want to study. He also was fairly busy thinking about Harry. Why did Harry kiss him, it meant something to Draco because it was his first kiss. But was it special to Harry, probably not.

Fuck his studying Draco decided to go to the local grocery store. He had a sad expression the whole way there, when he finally got there he started looking for icecream. He cursed get should've gone to the ice cream shop.

He was about to leave when felt a tug on his left hand, he turned around it was Harry."Oh hey, Harry what are you doing here" Draco tried to say in the calmest voice."Uh, nothing just buying cigarettes"Draco looked at harry's hands he indeed did just buy cigarettes."Smoking is bad for your lungs, you can die you know"Harry laughed "Guess I'm just trying to speed up the process".

Draco nodded and was walking away when Harry again ran to his side walking with him."Where you going" he asked. Draco pointed to the nearby ice cream shop, Harry nodded walking with him. They entered the store and it smelled of cookie dough and vanilla. Draco got two scoops, vanilla, and chocolate.

They went to a nearby park and sat on the grass. Draco began to lick his ice cream. Harry couldn't get his eyes off Draco he shook all he's thoughts. Het lit his cigarette and put to his mouth, puffing out smoke."Why do you like smoking, does it taste good".

Harry laughed "Nah just got used to it"Draco looked and him then the cigarette pack "Can I try one"Harry almost choked on the cigarette which would have been very bad."Well just so you know the smell is going to stick on you, you already smell like smoke since your sitting next to me"Draco took a cigarette out of the pack looked at it, and lighted it, but he didn't inhale it."Uh, what do I do with it"Harry took it and step on it with shoe then threw it in the trash.

Harry sighed "So is your dad still mean"Draco snorted"Course" Harry nodded"He didn't get mad with uh um".pointing at his chest. Draco let out a nervous laugh"Uh n-no he um never noticed"

Draco gasped "SHIT, we forgot our project it's due tomorrow" Harry rolled his eyes"Don't worry Dollface you can just pay someone to do it for you"Draco looked at Harry"Really that would be really helpful" Harry nodded and went to a payphone, he chatted for a bit before hanging up"Who was that, "Draco asked"That was Fred Weasly one of my friends"Draco nodded.

Draco looked around for a clock and spotted one, it was 5:30. His father would be home in 20 minutes he had to get home quick. Draco tugged on Harry's jacket "Harry I need to head home can you drive me"Harry got Draco's hand and dragged him to his 1984 black Nissan Maxima.

The drive to Draco's house was calm and quiet. Draco looked over at Harry, the windows were down so his messing dark brown hair was blowing in the wind. His stylish glasses sadly were hiding Harry's beautiful green eyes."Any particular reason your staring at me"Draco turned red the result of being caught staring.

Harry patted his thigh "I'm just kidding"Draco felt his tummy go all fuzzy and warm when Harry touched him he didn't know why. They arrived at Draco's home just in time, Draco smiled at Harry and was about to leave his car when Harry called once again."Draco can I kiss you again"Draco mouth opened and closed not knowing what to say.

He sat back in the car and got closer to Harry, there lips meeting and then they both pulled away."I'll see you later Harry hope Weasly finishes that report"Draco said while waving goodbye and shutting the door. That night Draco went home with the biggest smile yet.

My Troublemaker❤Drarry !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now