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Draco went to school the next with a smug look on his face. He was happy his mother supported him and was happy she was going to let him make love with harry. But regardless he would still hook up if harry even if his mother didn't approve. Pansy saw him and ran up to him"Hey Dray sorry for leaving you alone at the party"Draco smiled"it's fine"

Draco then skipped happily to his locker when he felt a tap on his shoulder, of course, it was Potter. Draco smiled, harry got close to his ear" Since I've already fucked you does that mean I'm your boyfriend now"Draco giggled and nodded. Harry ran his fingers through the blondes hair"Did you get in trouble"Draco rolled his eyes"Yep"

Harry kissed his forehead" aww sorry love"Draco pecked his lips"Gotta go" and went off to his next class. Hermione was around the corner and saw everything and ran to Harry."Harry what was that"."Uh, what"Hermione's eyes widen, and pointed at the spot where Draco was."Oh, that nothing it just happened, you know he's kinda a rebel it's adorable"

Hermione sighed angrily"Listen here Harry I'm happy for you but you better not let anything in between of your grades"Harry put up his hands and laughed. Hermione glared at his pocket when she saw a pack of cigarettes, she smacked his shoulder."Hey hey hey what's wrong now" she walked off and yelled"Stop with the smoking"

Draco was in class sitting, when he felt a warm body next to him it was Greengrass."So you and potter what an unlikely couple"Draco nodded"So did your daddy get mad"Draco smirked and leaned in her ear "Which one"Astoria choked and moved a little bit back.

Oh, how perfect Draco's life was. Well, not all perfect there always some obstacles in the way.

The class kept going being more boring, than ever. The teacher was talking about some ancient book no one cared about there was a knock at the door."Mr.Malfoy please get that"Draco got up and opened the door, it was Harry. Draco raised an eyebrow, "Follow me" harry whispered. Draco scoffed"I'm in class" Harry looked at him with a pleading look.

"Ugh, fine"Draco quietly closed the door behind and followed harry."So Mr.BadBoy what do you want to show me"Harry opened the door for him"I'm going to rob a bank"Draco froze but then Harry started laughing"I'm kidding, what I want you to show you is a lake"

"You stole me out of class to see a lake"Harry shook his head"a prohibited one"Draco followed Harry into the car, speeding off."Harry don't drive so fast a cop is going to pull us over" but Harry didn't stop and Draco heard a serin behind then, and blue and red lights shining."Harry you Dufus were going to get a ticket" Harry looked at him"Were not getting a ticket if he doesn't catch us"

At that Harry speed up ignoring the sirens and lights."Harry omg pull over" but harry just kept going and going"We're going to get caught eventually harry so just stop"They were going about for about 2 minutes when Harry turned right and went right through a fence and into a dirt trail. Draco squeaked "Harry what hell"Harry laughed"Calm down this leads to the lake"

Draco sighed, oh if his father could see him now. The car came to a stop, at a beautiful lake. Actually Draco doesn't mind skipping class if he's coming here. Draco looks at a sign and apparently the lake is called "sans vêtements" which in french means unclothed.

Draco walked up to harry"Are you asking me to go skinny-dipping with you potter" Harry winked at him"maybe" Draco giggled, while harry was stripping himself Draco was looking the other way, Draco heard a splash and he turned around. Harry came up to the bank of the lake "you know you didn't have to turn around" I know but I still did" harry splashed a little water on the blond's face, he giggled.

"Are you going to get in"Harry asked, Draco nodded"But turn around" so Harry did. Draco slowly took off his shirt exposing a pale chest. His pants and boxers went off letting the world see that Draco had curvy hips and a plump ass. Draco sighed, he could not believe he actually going to do this, but I guess you only live once right.

Draco slid in and felt the warm water swirl around him."What if someone see's us"Draco asked Harry shrugged and splashed Draco, making him yell.2 hours went by and they spent it swimming and splashing each other. Draco was busy looking at the sunset when he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his hips, and Harry's length poked his bum which made him go all red.

"Harry your dick is poking me"Harry laughed into Draco's shoulder, he grabbed his chin and kissed the beautiful blond boy. Tasting every part oh his mouth he couldn't get enough of this harry thought while leaving a track of soft kisses that turn to biting and sucking. Making the boy above him squirm and whimper," Harry s-stop my parents are going to notice it".

Harry licked Draco's nipple, softly biting the bud. Draco gasped, they were not are to about to fuck in the water. Harry shoved a finger up Draco's entrance, well there's your answer they were about to fuck in the water. Harry started pumping the finger, then adding another finger and scissorsing the small boy."Harry m-more"Draco barely managed to say.

Harry believed Draco was loosened and lined up his length with Draco's hole. Going slowly at first but increasing the speed when he heard more moans from Draco, Harry aligned himself again and hit Draco's sweet spot. "a-ah do it again" Harry kept hitting that spot making the bonded boy scream  in pleasure."Harry im close" Harry nodded back and started to kiss the boy's collar bone. After a few more thrusts Draco came, Harry following soon after.

Draco panted, and fell into Harry's arms and looked at the sky and cursed the moon was already out." shit I'm so fucked when I get home" Harry chuckled and kissed his temple. Draco looked up at harry's eyes "I don't  wanna leave I want to stay awake forever with you" harry tucked a strand of blond hair behind Draco's ear"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

My Troublemaker❤Drarry !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now