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Draco entered his house expecting his father not to be home yet, he was wrong. His father was with his mother in the living room with an angry look on his face. Draco was fucked , his father stood up"Draco what were you doing with Mr.Potter"Draco froze he didn't see him kiss harry did he.

"Uh I went somewhere and Harry brought me back" His father raised an eyebrow"It seems that your relationship with potter is getting intimate"Draco started laughing, "Oh father me and potter really I'm wouldn't get with someone like that"His father let out a slow sigh "good".

Draco went up to his bed he started changing when he noticed a small note fall from his pocket, he picked it up "###-###-#### call me xoxo harry"it read Draco laughed the boy was smooth. Draco put on his pj's and laid in his bed. It was wasn't that late, he should check to see if that was Harry's number. He picked up the phone and dialed the number then someone answer "Hello" Draco smiled slightly "Hi" he heard the other person on the line laughed.

"You found my note didn't you and I thought I was being pretty sneaky"Draco rolled his eyes "Well you do know I change clothes I don't sleep with the same stinky ones like how you maybe do"Harry scoffed " I do not"Draco twirled the cord with his finger.

He talked, with harry for hours is what it felt like."Shit it 1:00 in the morning you should go to bed dollface"Draco giggled "Dollface does that mean I should call you something" ."Well only if you want too"Draco smirked"Well, in that case, goodnight handsome" and Draco hanged up.

Draco slept soundly that night no nightmares. That morning he woke up to the phone ringing, he rubbed his eyes and answered the phone."Hello" he answered sleepily "hey it's Pansy uh heard you have a boyfriend"Draco scoffed "yeah false rumor pansy"

"Really what's with the rumor of you and potter making out in a junkyard"wait how did pansy know that "Or that time you two were hanging out in the park together"Draco pouted "Pansy are you spying on me"Pansy laughed "Oh no no no it was Blasie who caught you he just happened to be at the right place at the right time"Draco rubbed his temple he can not let this information get out it.

If his father found out,he would be dead."Well pansy just so you know me and Potter are just friends"he heard pansy snicker it made him really frustrated. "Friends sure i don't think friends make out with each other"Draco was mad he hanged up on Pansy.He could say potter had a geat body,hair,smile well basically everything about Potter was good.But Harry doesn't feel the same so it doesn't matter.

On Monday he was going to have to talk to harry.They can't making out everywhere,though now that Draco thinks about it would be nice.Well maybe just maybe they could still kiss and stuff but not in public.Of course not be boyfriends just uh friends that kissed and stuff,what was the word he was looking for.Oh yes friends with benefits.

My Troublemaker❤Drarry !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now