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Draco suddenly heard footsteps, his heartbeat started to race. He turned around and sighed it was just his mother in her lace-accented gown."Dear, what are you doing here at such an hour"Narcissa asked sitting next to him her long, smooth legs sinking into the warm pool water despite it being night time."Just thinking about school" he hid the note in his jams shorts. Narcissa chuckled"Or perhaps a certain boy Draco".

"Well, that too mother"He started off into the starry night. The night sky was wearing different blues and bright yellow stars all swirled together. Sometimes in difficult times he wished he could float away all the way to Saturn. His mother put a warm, comforting hand over his, "How do you feel".

He couldn't tell his mother about the note, he didn't want her to worry. He knew his mother was depressed, His father never paid attention to her. In fact, Draco doesn't know how she hasn't cheated on him, but then remembered that his mother was loyal.

They still slept in the same bed but their bed was huge, both of them sleeping at the end of the bed miles apart. He left early and came home late, Pansy used to joke and say that Narcissa probably hadn't had an orgasm in years."At least my mother doesn't have every STD and a million exes like Blaise's mother" he would sneer.

"Mother what do you do if you are scared," He asked out the blue. Narcissa looked at him with a poker face."Actions cure fear but inaction creates it"She said softly. Draco looked at his Mothers face, she was in her late thirties but still looked quite young. Pale skin with, few wrinkles light freckles danced across her face. Her Prussian blue eyes always struck comfort when Draco looked in them. 

He put his head on her shoulder as she softly stroked his head, running her hand through his white-blond hair. His eyes started to flood with water,in result turning puffy and red. But his mother didn't hear him his sobs were quiet and painful he never felt like this before.He didn't know why he was crying was it the note or maybe the feeling of the night.

He traced his lip with his finger,he ached for Harry's lip. Harry always made him feel better, or maybe it was just love blinding him. Don't even start about how he felt when they made love, Draco chuckled."Love is blind, but lust is Helen Keller" Blasie would always say when Draco would tell Pasny and Blasie about his time spent with Harry.

His vision turned balck, he feel alslleep.Narcissa chuckled,she got a toss pillow crefully under the blondes head.She got a a sprare blanket and covered Draco,of course she wasn't oing to leave him out here alone so she sat at a patio chair.

Draco woke up to a hot and orange like light on his face. He woke up how the hell did he get here was it that mystery person who sent him the note.He looked around,nope he was at home and his mother was sitting on a patio hair drinking ice tea."Good morning Draco sleep well"Draco turned his neck no he thought but just noddded at his Mother.

He checked his pocket,the note was still there good.He didn't want to lose it, it was important he didn't know why though.

My Troublemaker❤Drarry !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now