Chapter Two

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"How many pets do you even have anymore?" Louis asked with a laugh.

Perrie pursed her lips as she counted. "Six," she said.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Do you need to have that many?"

Perrie looked at Louis with a glare. "Yes. They're my children since Zayn doesn't want any. At least right now."

Louis chuckled, smiling as Hatchi came bounding up. "Hi cutie," he said, giggling as he jumped onto Louis's lap. Louis couldn't stop smiling as he pet the small dog, giggling as Hatchi pushed into his hand and demanded to be pet.

Perrie laid her head on Louis's shoulder and sighed. "You know...I'm always asking Zayn when we're gonna get married."

"What's he say?"

"Soon," Perrie said before sticking her tongue out at Hatchi and sitting up.

Louis sat there for a moment, sighing and sitting back in the couch. "Hey, Pez. I have a favour to ask you."

"Shoot," Perrie said, smiling.

"You and I went clubbing a lot a few months ago. Do you happen to remember any guys names I slept with? I feel like I would've introduced you to a couple. Or at least you saw their face."

Perrie pursed her lips. "Well, there was Harry, which, you know. Um, I think there was a Chris and a Jamie. Other than that, I think I saw you leave with some red head."

Louis nodded, storing the names into his head. "Thanks."

"Why do you ask?"

Louis shrugged nonchalantly. "Just asking."

Perrie nodded slowly. "Right."


Niall and Harry decided to invite themselves over to Louis's house just after Louis had finished cleaning. He flicked Niall's nose, but hugged him happily. He eyed Harry before moving to bring Coco inside.

"Why are you over?" Louis asked, wiping down the counter.

Niall shrugged. "Just decided to pop in for a visit. Heard you've been sick lately."

Louis chuckled. "I have, but I'm doing better. Thank you for coming in after I already went to the doctor."

"Oh yeah, what's the doc say?"

"I, um. Just a common cold. And stuff," Louis mumbled, not making eye contact with either male. "You know how it is."

Niall nodded. "Well, since we're already over, I say we play FIFA."

Louis laughed. "You should get your own game so you can stop eating all my food when you come over."

When they were all sat on the couch, Louis felt eyes on him. He turned and saw Harry watching him, but he turned his head back, cheeks dusted a light red, before starting up the game.

Louis had gotten up to get a glass of water and heard Harry mumble an excuse to Niall before following Louis.

"So what really is wrong with you?" Harry asked, cornering Louis into the counter.

"That is none of your concern," Louis replied back. "I don't like you, and I don't consider you one of my friends.

Harry pouted, but then chuckled and breaking the pout. "I'm your best friend's boyfriend, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. So you better get used to seeing me around."

"I may accept you as being Niall's boyfriend, but I don't have to be friends with a cocky arse like you."

Harry quirked an eyebrow, placing his hands on the counter on either side of Louis. "You're very pretty, you know that?" he asked quietly, his breath fanning over Louis's face.

Louis's breath hitched quietly. "No, I'm not," he whispered after struggling with his words for a bit.

Harry only hummed, his face getting closer to Louis's. "Yeah, you are," he whispered back.

Louis was lost in Harry's words, feeling himself grow weak under Harry's words. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Harry replied, lips brushing over Louis's.

"Harry! Louis! What's taking so long?" Niall called from the dining room, causing Louis to snap out of whatever Harry drug he seemed to be under.

"Um, nothing. Be there in a second," Louis replied, shoving Harry back and grabbing a glass and wordlessly filling his glass and walking back into the living room.

Harry walked back out without another word. He sat next to Niall and laid his arm on the couch behind him. Louis suddenly felt guilty. He had almost kissed his best friend's boyfriend. He was an awful friend. Shaking his head, he started up his game council.


It didn't occur to Louis that he should tell his friends about his pregnancy until he started showing. In all honesty, he didn't want anyone to know, but it wasn't like he could hide it or anything. How do you explain yourself when you go from a bachelor to a single father? Sure, his job paid well and he had the room. But was he even ready to be a father?

Jake was the first person he told. Jesy was with him and he held Louis's hand. Both Jake and Jesy were happy for him and promised to help him raise the baby if he'd ever needed it. He really appreciated having friends as great as them. He even made them the baby's godparents.

He then told Perrie and Zayn. Perrie was jealous at first, but then warmed up to the idea of having a baby to play with. Louis was happy that Perrie got excited. She's loved babies for as long as Louis could remember. They also made promises to help Louis whenever he needed it.

Telling Liam and Sophia was easy. He was brought into a tight hug from Sophia. Like Perrie, she absolutely adored babies and she was happy she could be pregnant alongside someone else and talk about pregnancy with someone. She was as excited as Louis was at the thought they wouldn't have to endure pregnancy alone. Well, in Sophia's case, she knew who the father was.

The last people he told were Niall and Harry. He was excited to tell Niall...until he saw Harry in the living room. His face had dropped quickly and he felt his stomach churn. Harry was the last person he'd want to tell.

"So what's up?" Niall asked cheerfully, sitting on the couch with Louis. "You never visit without calling first."

Louis smiled, playing with his fingers. "Well, I have good news to tell you," he said, glancing at Harry as if to say but not you.

Harry quirked an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything. Niall, however, was buzzing with excitement. "What is it?"

Louis's smile widened. "I'm pregnant."

Niall squealed and hugged Louis happily. From over Niall's shoulder, Louis saw Harry's small smirk quickly drop as he looked away. Louis smirked into Niall's shoulder.

Louis and Niall pulled apart and the two couldn't stop smiling. "I'm so happy for you!" Niall said, "Congrats, mate! Who's the father?"

Louis's smile dropped a little. "I don't...I don't actually know," he replied quietly. "It might be somebody I slept with while clubbing, like, three-ish months ago."

Harry's body stiffened before he quickly stood up. "I need a smoke," he said, "Congrats, Lou."

"Thanks," Louis replied quietly, watching Harry walk out the back door. He turned towards Niall. "What's his problem?"

Niall shrugged. "He was perfectly fine until you came."

Louis snorted quietly. "I'm very likeable, thank you."

Niall laughed, shoving Louis's shoulder lightly. "That's true. Since you're here, wanna watch a movie? Harry and I are watching The Notebook."

"Don't you always bawl when you watch that?" Louis asked with a chuckle.

Niall pouted. "Maybe..."

Louis just chuckled, settling back in the couch.

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