Chapter Six

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A couple weeks later and things were alright between Louis and Harry. Jake had confronted him earlier and Harry got an earful and Louis could do was say how he didn't know Jake was going to do that. A flimsy excuse, but it was true. Everything was doing okay in their group of friends.

Until one day when Niall unexpectedly broke up with Harry.

He didn't explain why he did to anybody, but he and Harry were still good friends. Louis made jokes in his head about how they were friends with benefits, but he didn't think they were funny enough to say, so he kept them to himself. Harry, of course, must have had the same jokes in mind because he told them when they were all together the next time. And they weren't funny as Louis had predicted. Harry always told bad jokes, anyways, so it wasn't much different than usual.

Louis smiled as their group met in Perrie and Zayn's house. A few of them couldn't make it because they had to work, but there were still a few to have good conversations flowing. Louis looked up at one point and flushed when he saw Harry staring at him. Not thinking too much of it, he turned away and responded to something Perrie had said. It continued like that for awhile. Louis would be talking and he'd glance at Harry and find him already staring over at Louis.

"May I help you?" Louis asked when it was only him and Harry in the kitchen.

Harry shrugged, not voicing his reply to Louis's question. "Why do you ask?"

Louis sighed. "You've been staring at me all afternoon. And don't act like you haven't because I've caught you."

"I don't know," Harry replied. "Just staring off into space and just happen to be staring in your direction, s'all."

Louis nodded. "Right," he said softly. "I'm sorry, then." As he moved to exit the kitchen, he felt a hand on his wrist, stopping. He turned to face Harry, but Harry's facial expression was unreadable before he let go of Louis's wrist. Louis watched as he exited the kitchen without another word. Louis looked down at his wrist, the touch of Harry's hand still felt on his wrist. He shook his head before exiting the kitchen himself.


Louis sighed as he walked through the local grocery store in their town. His eyes scanned the aisles, looking for anything that sounded good, or anything he needed. He hummed quietly to himself as he found himself in the candy aisle. He rubbed his now six month belly as he looked for candy that looked good. He grabbed a bag of M&M's and a bag of Jolly Ranchers before moving to walk out of the aisle. He ran into someone else and apologised as their stuff fell out of their shopping basket.

"Oh, shit," Louis cursed, squatting to help the girl pick up the fallen items. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," the girl replied, chuckling quietly as they picked up the items. Once they were both stood, Louis got a good look at the girl. She had long brown hair that fell just past her breasts and hazel eyes that sparkled with amusement. "Sir?" she said, breaking Louis from his staring.

Louis shook his head, chuckling and blushing lightly in embarrassment. "Right, I'm sorry. I'm Louis," he said, holding his hand out.

"Eleanor," she replied, smiling and shaking Louis's hand. "Thank you for helping me pick up my groceries."

"Oh, you're welcome," Louis said with a smile. "I'm so sorry I ran into you. I wasn't looking where I was going and my mind was somewhere else."

Eleanor nodded, chuckling quietly. "It's quite alright." Her eyes glanced down at Louis's stomach and her eyes filled with curiosity.

Louis chuckled, knowing what she was thinking, but knew it was rude to ask. "I'm six months pregnant."

Eleanor nodded, feeling slightly relieved at avoiding an awkward conversation if he wasn't pregnant. "Well, congratulations! I actually think I may have seen you before," she said. "At the doctor's."

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