Chapter Eleven

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The car ride to the doctor's office was tense. Louis's mind was a whirl of thoughts and he didn't know what to make out of any of them. He had agreed to Harry taking the test to see if he was Kaden's dad, but he had left Harry's other question unanswered. Harry wasn't exactly happy that Louis didn't answer, but he didn't say anything, figuring asking about Kaden was enough.

When they got to the hospital, Harry carried in the diaper bag and Louis carried in Kaden's car seat with Kaden in it. They checked-in before they went into the waiting room to wait for their names to be called.

Louis sighed softly. "What if you're not the father?" he asked. "Are you prepared to be disappointed? I just don't you to get your hopes up only to be disappointed."

Harry gently set his hand on top of Louis's. "Whatever happens, I'm not going to stop helping you. Kaden's a great kid. M'not going to up and leave just because I'm not his biological father."

Louis smiled and turned his hand over so they were holding hands. Their names were called and they were led to a room in the back. Harry had his blood drawn before Kaden's blood was drawn and Louis had to rock him to stop his crying. His son wasn't the biggest fan of needles; neither was he, so he was sympathetic.

"Your results will be ready in about one to two days," the doctor explained, smiling a little. "I'm sorry it can't be quicker, but these things can only go so fast."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Thank you."

After checking out and being told they'd be called in once the results came in, they walked to a small restaurant nearby for lunch. Louis set Kaden's car seat in the kid's seat that was tipped upside down to sit a car seat next to the booth as Harry sat across from him. They ordered their drinks-both water- and sat there, smiling at one another.

"So, I've been thinking," Louis said, fiddling with his fingers in his lap. "I want to answer your second question."

Harry quirked an eyebrow, fiddling with his napkin. "Yeah? And what's your answer?"

Louis blushed lightly. "I'd love to go to dinner with you. I could even get my mum to watch Kaden."

The smile on Harry's face could be seen from space. He was incredibly happy. "Yeah...yeah, that sounds great."

Louis giggled softly before smiling at Kaden, who was looking around. He couldn't stop the smile that spread on his face as he watched the baby. He kicked a little and poked his tongue out every so often.

"He sure is a cute kid," Harry replied, causing Louis to nod. "He'll get your eyes, I'm pretty sure."

"You think so?" Louis asked. "They've been lightening up some since he was born. Only time will tell, I guess."

A few days later and Harry and Louis were nervously sat on the couch with the results in an unopened envelope in Harry's hands. They were both nervous about what it'd say.

"No matter what it says, I'll still be here to help you two. Biological son or not, I really like Kaden and want to help you as much as possible," Harry said, facing Louis.

Louis nodded. "Yeah, of course. Kaden's become attached to you, anyways. He hears your voice and goes nuts."

Harry chuckled as he opened the envelope. His face was blank as he read the letter. After a moment, he said, "I'm not the father."

Louis's smile fell. He wouldn't admit it, but he had really hoped Harry was Kaden's father. "Harry, I'm so sorry."

Suddenly, a large smile spread on Harry's face. "Nah, I'm just kidding."

You're the Father || larry stylinson (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now