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Louis woke with a start, his stomach lurching. He raced into the bathroom, throwing up everything he ate the previous night into the toilet bowl. When he finished, his eyes were filled with tears from the burn in his throat. He quickly flushed before getting up and brushing his teeth.

He groaned and rubbed his stomach, stumbling into the kitchen. He was stopped when he heard a quiet whining from the living room. He smiled fondly and walked into the living room where his eight month old chocolate lab was laying down in. "C'mon Coco," he said, opening the crate. He walked to the back door and let the dog out to the fenced in backyard.

He smiled at his dog before closing the door and walking into the kitchen to make breakfast. As he cooked the bacon, his phone started ringing and causing Louis to groan. He answered the phone with said groan. "What do you want, Zayn?"

"Someone sounds cheery. I was just calling to ask if Pez and I were still coming over later," Zayn said.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah you are. Is Jesy and her boyfriend still coming over? I've already had Li and Sophia cancel on me."

"Last I knew, yeah. I'll have Perrie give them a call. Why'd Li and Soph cancel on you?"

"They found out Sophia's pregnant. Their first doctor's appointment is today," Louis answered with a sigh. He was the only single one of their group. Even Niall has recently started seeing someone.

"Oh, well congrats to them. They've been trying ever since they got married," Zayn said.

"They got married, like, five months ago," Louis said with a laugh.


"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you at five."



Louis shook his head as he set his phone down on the counter. He finished cooking breakfast and walked into the living room with his plate of food in one hand and glass of orange juice in the other. He turned the tv onto some random movie to watch as he ate. Halfway through eating, he heard a whining. He set his plate down and went to let the puppy inside. "No!" he said when Coco went straight for his food. "Bad dog! Go lay down!"

He watched as the dog slumped away, laying down not far away from the couch, watching Louis eat with sad eyes. When he was done, Louis's phone rang again, seeing Niall's caller ID.

"Hey Nialler!" he greeted with a wide smile as he put away his dishes.

"Hey Lou! Is it alright if I bring my new boyfriend?" Niall said into the receiver.

"Of course!" Louis said, "Just tell him to bring a bathing suit because we play water balloons."

"Ooh. Ok. Thanks, Lou!" Niall said happily.

"No problem! See ya later!"


Louis laughed fondly at Niall's excitement. He reminded Louis of Coco. Louis's stomach lurched and he ran into the bathroom again, throwing up. He just really hoped this stomach bug would pass soon.


Four o'clock soon came and people started coming over. Louis was happy to see all his friends, even Jesy and Jake, who did end up coming. Louis watched as Zayn started up the grill to cook their burgers (Louis didn't trust himself with the grill. He could cook, but not that well) when the doorbell rang.

"Niall's here!" he said, setting down his beer and heading inside. He walked to the front door and smiled when he saw Niall. "Hey!"

"Hey!" Niall said, giving Louis a hug. "Lou, this is my boyfriend, Harry."

Harry came up the porch and Louis's smile dropped and he went pale. "Niall, how long have you two been dating?"

"Um. A few weeks. Why?"

"Hey Louis," Harry said with a smirk on his face. "Nice to see you again."

Niall furrowed his eyebrows, but Louis grabbed his arm and dragged him to another room. "Niall. Do you remember a few months ago about a one night stand I had and I wanted to find him again because I really liked him?"

"Please don't tell me that man is Harry," Niall whined, "I really like him."

"I, uh, no," Louis lied quickly. "I just wanted to tell you I found him, but he's found another guy."

"Oh," Niall said before furrowing his eyebrows again. "Then how did Harry know you before?"

"I, um. I met him in a pizza parlour. We just talked s'all."

Niall nodded, smiling and hugging Louis again before joining the others outside. Harry slid up to Louis with a smirk on his face. "And when do you plan on telling your friend that his boyfriend fucked you into the mattress not three months ago?"

Louis glared at Harry. "That's for me to worry about, not you."

"Considering I'm the other half of that one night stand. Yes, it does concern me," Harry said, pining Louis to the wall.

Louis continued glaring at Harry. "I will tell him, mind you. But at least I remember why I didn't pursue a relationship after sex. You're an ass." He poked Harry's chest before slipping out from under him and heading outside.

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