Chapter Twelve

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[smut in the chapter.]

A few months passed since Harry and Louis shared their first kiss. There have been many since then and many given to the recently turned sixth month old Kaden. The day he turned six months, a pout never left Louis's face as he mumbled sadly about how his baby was already half a year old. Harry had laughed at him, the bastard. Which led to him sleeping on the couch whenever he slept over for the next week. But then Harry's smile and dimples got Louis to finally allow him to share a bed with him instead of on the couch. Louis loved falling asleep in his arms, anyway.

Kaden grew attached to Harry and Harry was the first person to hear Kaden's giggle. Louis always loved watching Harry around their son. He was a natural. He'd tickle and play with the boy, watching as a large dimpled grin spread across his face. Kaden's eyes had stayed blue, but they lightened to Louis's eye colour. His hair curled and fell in ringlets around his chubby face (Harry loved lightly pinching his chubby cheeks), and was the same shade as Harry's hair. The little boy was spoiled, too. Always had either of their attention and had to fall asleep to Louis rocking him or he wouldn't fall asleep. To his dismay, Louis watched as Harry fed Kaden baby food. Louis knew it was good for Kaden to eat solid foods, but he always found baby food gross, which is why he let Harry feed him.

Louis was there when Kaden first rolled over. He was doing tummy time when Kaden suddenly flipped onto his back, making Louis surprised for a moment before chuckling softly. He was also proud that Kaden could sit up on his own, even though Louis just wanted to coddle him and hold him all the time, he was proud Kaden could still do it. Harry played peek-a-boo all the time with him, which is what led to their son giggling. Louis always watched on with a wide smile on his face as they played. He loved that Harry took being a father so well, so that Kaden would have both of them in his life as he grew up.

His and Harry's relationship also blossomed. Harry usually stayed the weekends and came over as often as he could. Even though Louis insisted a few times he give Harry money for gas, Harry always refused. Seeing Kaden was payment enough. They would spend hours talking about anything and everything, every secret between them open; they wanted honesty with each other. Jesy always teased him that Harry should just move in since he's over so much, and Louis wanted to ask him, but there was something holding him back. He couldn't really figure out what, but Jesy suggested it might be because it's a commitment Louis might not be ready for yet. Louis argued that he was already a parent, the biggest commitment of all, so he didn't see why Harry moving in was that big of a problem.

And yet, deep down, a part of him knew he wasn't ready. As much as he loved Harry (something he hadn't admitted aloud), a part of him did like having just him and Kaden at he house. Even Coco seemed like enough company for him. Maybe he was just overthinking. Surely Harry moving in wouldn't be that bad. On the other hand, he couldn't help but admit he did like the periods of time when he just spend it with Kaden. He knew Harry would give him that time, he did it all the time himself.

Louis was conflicted. He spent the months before Kaden's birth wishing he had someone to spend it with. But now that his son was with him, and a half a year old, he couldn't help but be grateful for the silence every once in awhile. Harry was his boyfriend. He shouldn't be so hard on himself to let his boyfriend move in. People did it all the time. Could it be because they had a kid together? He supposed so, but he still couldn't help the thoughts that raced through his head when he wanted to say something to Harry. His brain would malfunction and his tongue would feel like cotton in his mouth, preventing any words from coming out. Then again, he did feel that feeling hesitant about asking Harry to move in was a good thing. At least the thought crossed his mind.

Louis sighed softly as he came home from work one day. Instantly, he could smell the scent of chicken coming from the kitchen, along with vanilla scented candles. After toeing off his shoes and hanging up his keys, he walked into the kitchen, where Harry was cooking what looked to be corn. He cleared his throat, making Harry look up and smile wide.

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