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Louis smiled, watching as the two loves of his life interacted. Kaden was two now and he ran everywhere. Harry would usually chase him around, making Louis smile wide as he watched them. Harry was a great father. He loved Kaden to pieces and the little boy loved his father just as much.

Harry had moved in with Louis a few months after the conversation had first been brought up. It had been a difficult topic, in all honesty. Louis had loved his independence, but he had lost that when Kaden was born. Which, he didn't mind because Kaden was the best thing to ever happen to him. If he didn't have that little boy in his life, he wouldn't have met the love of his life. His soulmate, as he liked to put it during the late nights when he was cuddled up with Harry in bed. He loved being wrapped in Harry's arms and held close. It was his little safe haven. No one else could be there and he could hear Harry's heartbeat if he put his ear up to Harry's chest. Harry had always told him that his heart beat for Louis, and Louis alone.

Louis had blushed, of course. Harry had the tendency to say sweet to him and it always made Louis incredibly flustered. Everything, it seemed, that Harry said made Louis flustered. But he didn't mind. He loved having Harry's attention on him. It always made him giddy knowing Harry loved him just as much as he loved Harry.

Louis could remember the day they had first told each other they loved each other both fondly and clearly. They had been laying in bed cuddling (something they did quite often) and Louis had been tracing shapes onto Harry's chest when Harry had said it first. It was said so softly that Louis had almost missed it, but it was hard to miss when someone confessed their love. Louis's heart thudded in his chest and he was silent for a moment before a large smile stretched on his face and he whispered it back. Harry had made love to him right then and there and Louis had never felt happier. He had the love of his life and the best son he could've ever asked for both in his life.

Harry looked up from where he was tickling Kaden. A smile stretched across his face as he picked up Kaden and sat him on his hip and walked over to Louis. He kissed him, chuckling when Kaden made an "ew" noise.

"Where are you, love?" Harry asked fondly, tucking hair gently behind Louis's ear.

Louis smiled, shrugging. "Wouldn't want to be anywhere but here," he answered.

Harry grinned, kissing Louis again before handing Kaden to Louis. Louis smiled and kissed Kaden's cheek. "Hungry, baby?"

Kaden nodded before laying his head on Louis's shoulder. Louis smiled and kissed the top of his head. He had thick brown curls just like his daddy and Louis hated cutting them, but he had to when the hair would get in Kaden's eyes.

"Nap time after lunch?" Louis asked as the tree of them walked into the house.

"No," Kaden whined, sitting up. "No nap!"

Louis simply hummed. "We'll see," he said, lightly teasing as he set Kaden in his high chair. He chuckled softly when he continued whining to Harry about how his papa was a meanie and making him take a nap. Harry played along, naturally, and Louis only sent a playful glare in the man's direction. "If you keep doing that, he'll think he can go to you for anything he wants."

Harry shrugged, pushing Kaden's hair off his forehead. "I can't say no to this little guy."

"You'll learn," Louis said, making a simple lunch of hot dogs and reheated mac 'n' cheese. He could practically see Harry's pout even with his back to the man. He turned and his suspicion was confirmed. "Pout all you want, I'm not changing my mind."

The pout went away and Harry nodded, smiling down at Kaden and tickling him playfully. "Have you ever thought about changing his last name? Like, to mine?"

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