Chapter Ten

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The first couple weeks were rough for Louis. He lost his long hours of sleep and he hated leaving Kaden (under the watch of his mum), but he had to go to work to support them both. He didn't breastfeed, so most of the money he made usually went towards diapers or formula. He didn't have any free time left, and when he did, he was awoken from a nap.

He loved Kaden, he really did, but he was so tired all the time.

Although he was curious to know, Louis was heavily debating on whether to get the DNA test or not. As much as he loved his son, and wanted to know for the both of them, Louis was scared to know. What if it was some weirdo? Or it could be some nice man, who would give Louis child support. He was torn.

Sighing softly, he changed Kaden's diaper on a mat laid on his bed. Harry was in the bathroom and Jesy would be over any moment with Jake in tow. Harry was over a lot, and Louis never minded. He really appreciated the help, plus he was a great guy. Even though they had a rough start, Louis liked having Harry around. He watched Kaden while Louis showered or slept. He even changed or fed Kaden without being asked, which Louis liked because it was almost like having a boyfriend to help.

There was a knock on the front door before the sound of it opening and two people entering his house sounded through the house. He heard Jesy and Jake's voices through the house and smiled as he buttoned up Kaden's onesie. He popped a pacifier into Kaden's mouth before picking him up and holding him close as he walked into the living room. Jesy beamed at the two of them, waving and making faces as Kaden, who just stared blankly back. Harry emerged from the bathroom with a smile on his face. Jesy gave Louis a look, who just ignored it to greet Jake.

An hour and a half later and Kaden was asleep in his bouncy seat and Harry and Jake were talking about some sport from the couches in the living room while Jesy and Louis sat in the dining room. Jesy was giving him a look before she sighed and spoke up.

"So," she said. "Harry's been over a lot."

Louis internally groaned. He'd been hoping to avoid this conversation, but Jesy always made him talk about it and confronted him about things. As much as he appreciated having someone make him talk about it, sometimes he just didn't want to talk about things. Like the whole Harry thing, even though a part of him was hitching to confront it. The emotions he's felt ever since he realised them just after he had Kaden haven't gone away. If anything, they seemed to grow the more he saw Harry interact with Kaden, and how he seemed to quickly become wrapped around the infant's finger. It was enamouring and amusing to watch as Harry quickly grew to become close with Kaden.

"Yeah," Louis finally said after a minute, realising he had gotten lost in his thoughts. "He helps with Kaden."

Jesy hummed as she sat back in her chair. She was always through whatever façade Louis seemed to put up. For some reason, he always put walls up when he felt something towards someone. It was weird to watch, but Jesy was always patient when it came to Louis and his feelings.

"And helps with you," Jesy said, meaning it in a joking manner, but Louis couldn't help but feel like it meant something more, but he couldn't decipher what.

"Yeah, but. That's helping Kaden while I sleep or bathe," Louis replied.

"Do you like him, Lou?" Jesy asked, making Louis blush. "He's great with Kaden and you two get along great. I can see the way you watch him with Kaden. You have heart eyes."

Louis's blush deepened and he couldn't meet Jesy's eyes. "What? I...n-no."

Jesy quirked an eyebrow. "I heard a stutter," she replied, teasing meant but her voice sounded more serious than anything.

Biting his bottom lip, Louis sighed and thought. "I...might...have feelings for...Harry," he said slowly, admitting it even to himself to himself. "But he probably doesn't even feel the same way. He's just a friend and helps me with Kaden. That's it, and that's all that it'll ever be."

"But is that what you want?" Jesy asked softly.

Louis paused. "Yeah," he whispered, but it was lie. Not only to Jesy, but to himself. "I don't want to be anything more than friends."


The next couple days were a mess for Louis. He was always lost in thoughts and nothin but Harry snapping his fingers in his direction and Kaden's cries would break him from his thoughts. The only time Harry wasn't over at his house was when he was at work. When Louis was at work, his babysitters were either his mum or Harry. And the more he thought about it, he didn't quite understand why Harry was over so often. There was nothing in it for him other than just spending time with Kaden. So either he really liked Kaden, or he was there for something maybe. Maybe spend time with Louis? Louis didn't think so because he was just...Louis.

At work, Louis was distracted by his thoughts. His mum was watching Kaden and Harry was also at work. But Louis wondered what Harry did when Harry babysat for Louis. Did Harry follow the feeding schedule Louis had for Kaden? How often was Kaden's diaper changed? How long did his baby sleep? How often? How often did Harry let Coco out?

He heard a throat clearing and Louis shook his head, breaking from his thoughts and turning to see Maggie quirking an eyebrow at him. "You keep getting lost in your thoughts there, bud," she observed.

Louis sighed softly. "Yeah," he admitted quietly. "Thinking about Kaden and stuff."

Maggie hummed in acknowledgement. "So...have you found anybody yet?"

Snorting, Louis shook his head. "I'm too busy being a dad to even think about a relationship."

Maggie shrugged. "Sometimes life surprises us sometimes. It gives you curveballs you didn't know you needed until you got them. Like Kaden."

Louis bit his bottom lip, thoughts rushing through his mind again. Maggie made a point. He and Jesy had met in Biology class when they had been partnered in a project. From there, she introduced him to Perrie and her boyfriend Zayn. Zayn had introduced him to Liam and Niall. And Niall had been the one to introduce Jesy to Jake. So basically, if he hadn't been partnered with Jesy in Biology class, he wouldn't have the amazing group of friends like he did. He also met Eleanor, one his closest friends, after bumping (literally) into her at the store. He met his friends through nothing more than fate.

But then there was Harry. He met Harry in a club, too drunk to think clearly before sleeping with him. He knew Niall and Harry worked together, but he wondered how close they were before they got together.

Louis rubbed his temples and sighed. "I need to stop thinking so much. It's giving me a headache."

Maggie chuckled. "I'm sorry to hear that. But thinking is good sometimes."

"Yeah, I know. I just need answers to all my questions before I shut myself up," Louis replied with a laugh.

Later that day, Louis was holding Kaden on the couch with Harry sitting in the recliner next to him. Louis was smiling and making faces at Kaden, who only stared up at him before a hint of a smile played on his lips. Louis smiled wider. He may be biased, but he had the cutest kid ever.

Harry suddenly stirred from next to him and he turned, meeting Harry's eyes as Harry sat up to peer at Kaden, smiling. "He's a little cutie."

Louis looked down at Kaden and smiled, nodding. "Yeah, he's kinda cute," he said with a chuckle before making a face at the baby.

They were silent for a moment before Harry cleared his throat, catching Louis's attention again. "Um," he said. "Can I ask you something? Well, two things. It's kinda serious."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, hang on," he said before moving to lay Kaden into a bouncy swing. He sat back down on the couch and looked at Harry. "Okay. Ask away."

Harry licked his lips for a moment. "Well...I've been thinking. I remember you telling me you had gotten knocked up while having sex with some random bloke in a club, and how it was around the time we slept together. Well, I was wondering...if I could get a DNA test to see if I was, well, his other father. And, I, um, wanted to know if you'd like to get dinner. With me."

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