Chapter Three

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A few days later and Louis was cooking himself a small breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Louis turned the burner lower before moving to answer the door.

"Harry?" he asked in surprise once he answered the door. "What are you doing here?"

Harry sighed. "The baby's mine, isn't it?"

"I-I...I don't know," Louis replied, furrowing his eyebrows. "Why do you even care?"

"Because...if it's mine...I'm willing to pay child support," Harry replied.

Louis's face relaxed. "Oh," he said quietly. "Well, I don't know if it's yours. I slept with a couple people are the time of the baby's conception."

"'re a slut," Harry said with a smirk.

"Harry, leave," Louis said, face void of emotion. Harry was sweet to begin with, but now he was getting on Louis's nerves. "If you don't have anything else to say, then I want you to leave my property."

Harry held up his hands in defence. "I'm just saying that what normal guy doesn't know who the baby's other father is?"

Louis bit his tongue. He sighed. "Harry, just leave."

"Why? Because I'm right?" Harry asked cockily. "You're a slut, Louis. Just admit it."






Harry's stumbled back in surprise, holding his cheek. "You slapped me. You little bi-"

Before Harry could say anything more, Louis shut the door in his face.


When Louis was four months pregnant, he couldn't keep his hands off of his stomach. Sophia was a few weeks ahead of him and she called them "belly buddies". To say Louis was nervous was an understatement. He was downright terrified. After this baby was born, he was supposed to raise it and take care of it for the next eighteen years. He couldn't even commit to an ice cream flavour without changing his mind twenty times.

Coco barked from outside, capturing Louis's attention. He let the dog in and smiled when it smelled his belly as a way of saying hello to both him and the baby. Already, Coco was protective of the child. He'd growl at anyone who touched Louis's stomach that wasn't Louis. Louis found it endearing. Coco did a little trot to his water dish, drinking out of it sloppily and getting water all over the place. Louis just rolled his eyes. Coco did that every time he came in from being outside. Louis watched his dog for a moment, smiling a little. When Coco was done drinking, he walked over to Louis and sat on his feet, looking up at Louis with wide brown eyes. Louis chuckled and scratched behind his ears, which led to Louis scratching his stomach and Coco's tail wagging like mad.

If Louis could take care of a pet, maybe a child wasn't much different. Only, a baby had a lot more things to be done with than a dog. A dog could clean himself (but he still needed a bath because he stinks), the lab was a cow and ate everything in his bowl the minute it was filled, and you could just let it outside to play and pee. A child, however, was a lot more work. Rubbing his stomach, Louis decided that the work was worth it.

He looked at the time on his phone and cursed under his breath. Deciding he didn't have enough time to take a shower, Louis hurriedly got dressed. Running a hand over his jaw, he just decided he could go a day without shaving and save him time. Louis grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard and petting Coco once more before leaving. Louis worked at a local bank as a teller and he loved his job. He didn't have anything more than a high school diploma, but he was good with math and he had been given training when he got there. He ate his granola bar in his car on the way to the bank. Once he got there, he greeted a few people before heading to his station.

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