Chapter Five

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After they were done with the lunch, all Louis wanted to do was go home, but it seemed like his friends didn't have the same idea. They all suggested to go out to a movie, since they were all together as a group and hadn't all done something together since the get together at Louis's house before he found out he was pregnant. Niall tried contacting Harry, to see if he wanted to go with, but he wasn't answering his calls, nor replying to his texts. They all had wondered what happened in the bathroom, but Louis's mouth was shut and Harry wasn't answering his phone. Although they were curious, nobody pressed the issue. Even though Louis had signs he had been crying and it was concerning them, they didn't want to pressure Louis into saying anything he didn't want to.

They mutually agreed on Jurassic World since they heard it was good and loved the first, older movie. They piled into their cars and drove to the nearest cinema. Louis was still on edge from his conversation with Harry, still wanting to just home. But he didn't want to upset his friends and he had been wanting to see the movie. Walking in, he walked next to Jesy, who was glancing at him occasionally. After getting their tickets, Jesy pulled Louis aside.

"I hate pushing you into a corner and forcing things out of you, but I'm really concerned about you," she said. "Usually, you'd be all over watching a movie, and now you're all quiet. Quiet is strange with you. You don't have to tell me everything, but I just want to know what Harry said that upset you."

Louis sighed, staring down at his feet. He wanted to tell somebody, but he was scared Harry was right and he was self-centred. "'s not important. Really."

Jesy quirked an eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "Louis, babe, you're a strong person. You don't cry over just anything. And before you say anything, yes, it looked like you had been crying when you came out of the bathroom. I'm concerned, babe. You don't have to tell me right now, or at all if you really don't want to. I just...I'm worried Harry hurt you. You know me, I'm not afraid to speak up if something's wrong."

Louis sighed, looking up at Jesy. He spilled and told Jesy everything, ending up in tears once again at the memories. When he was finished, Jesy pulled him into her arms and let him cry on his shoulder. He had calmed down a little after, but Jesy still hadn't said anything. They met up with the rest of the group, who had all collected in the little café in the cinema where people wait for their movies to start. Jesy walked over to Jake and whispered something to him. Louis watched as he clenched his jaw before they whispered a few things to each other. Jesy smacked him lightly in the stomach after he had said something to her. Louis just sighed before sitting next to Perrie on the couch. She smiled at him before wrapping an arm around him and rubbing his arm in comfort.


Louis was finally able to go home after the movie ended. He was relieved because all he wanted to was curl in a ball in his bed and sleep. He didn't care if he slept through the rest of the day, all he wanted was some shut eye. When he walked through the front door, his phone started ringing. He furrowed his eyebrows before looking at the screen. It wasn't a number he recognized, but he answered anyway.

"Hello?" he said into his phone.

"Um, hi. We, um...we need to talk," the voice on the other said, almost in a mumble.

Louis's eyes widened as he made his way to his bedroom. "Harry? Why are you calling me? And how did you get my number?"

"Um, well. Niall came home and I got it from his phone. He was bugging me and asking about a thousand questions about what happened and I came clean," Harry replied quietly. "He then demanded I called and talked to you."

Louis nodded, even though Harry couldn't see him. "Yeah, and?"

Louis heard a sigh from the other end before Harry spoke again. "Listen, I'm not too good at this 'apologizing' thing. I'm mainly doing this so I can have sex with Niall later." Louis rolled his eyes; Harry cleared his throat. "I'm an asshole, basically. And I have a thing for doing things impulsively, which is also why we had that, um, incident at the bar all those months ago. It's worse when I'm drunk. And I really don't want to tell Niall what happened unless we really have to. Make sense?"

Not knowing really how to reply, Louis sat on the edge of his bed and sighed. "You're honestly the biggest asshole on the planet, and I accept your apology. However, what you said to me really hurt me. I may accept your apology, but I don't forgive you. And I do agree with your last statement. I'd rather not have Niall know about our one night stand. Unless, of course, the baby is yours and we'll have to tell him eventually."

"I'd rather not think the baby's actually mine, but what I told you earlier is still entirely true. I may be an asshole, but I don't want to not be apart of the baby's life. I grew up without a father and I don't want your baby to, either, especially if I can help it."

Louis didn't deny being in shock at Harry's words. "You're...actually being a decent human being right now," he joked with a small smile.

Harry laughed and Louis would deny the little flutter his heart made at the sound. "Yeah, yeah. I actually have to go. I promised Niall a movie tonight. See you, Lou."

Louis played with the bottom of his shirt. "See you, Harry."


A week later and Louis was flipping through a Babies R Us catalogue with a bored expression on his face. He had the day off and he had no idea what to do. All his friends were either busy with work, or they were doing something with their significant other. It was times like these were Louis really hated being single. If he had a boyfriend or husband, he wouldn't bee as bored. And he'd have someone to look for baby stuff with him. Louis would ask his friends, but they were no use. They'd usually tell him it was his decision and to get whatever he wanted.

Which was really not helpful.

Louis walked into the guest room that he would be converted into the baby's room. He pursed his lips and looked around the room. He pictured where the crib would go and the changing table. He suddenly smiled wide and flipped to the crib section in the catalogue in his hands.

"What do you think, peanut? Would you like Winnie-the-pooh theme in your room?" Louis asked his stomach, rubbing it fondly. When he felt a kick to his hand, he knew the baby's answer.

Louis walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a black permanent marker and sat back down in a chair at the table. He then circled everything he'd need for the baby, most of the items being Winnie-the-pooh theme. With each item he circled, the more excited he got at the thought of having his baby. A son of his own that he could spoil endlessly. His worries earlier about not having the other soon slipped out his mind. Excitement and happiness replaced the nervousness. By the time he had finished looking through the catalogue, he had a pretty good idea of what he wanted the room to look like.

He grabbed his laptop and opened up the website, setting up a wish list and put everything he had circled in it. He realistically knew he probably wouldn't get a lot of the thing he circled exactly, but the thought that he had made a wish list, of all things, made his smile widen. His phone suddenly went off, snapping Louis from his little bubble of happiness.

From: Jesy
12:16 PM

hey, lou, pez and i have been talking about your baby shower and we want to know what time would be best to hold it.

Louis grinned. Jesy had perfect timing.

To: Jesy
12:17 PM

any weekends are good with me. i also have next thursday and friday off.

From: Jesy
12:19 PM

alright, babe. thank you. (:

Louis was excited.

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