Chapter Four

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Louis hated to admit it. He really did.

Louis Tomlinson, now five months pregnant, needed help tying his shoes.

It wasn't his fault he couldn't, well, bend down anymore. He stuck to slip-ons more often, or just wearing flip-flops. His shirts had started becoming too tight and he had to buy bigger sizes. He was even struggling to fit into jeans, having to start buying maternity jeans. In the end, he knew it'd be worth it. Having a healthy baby meant more to him than any maternity jean he'd have to fit into.

Louis had always wanted a boy, and the more he thought about the baby, the more he wanted a son. He imagined teaching him how to play footie, or do whatever the boy had his heart set on. Of course, he'd be just as happy if he had a daughter.

But he just really wanted a boy.


"How far along are you, Louis?" Jesy asked when he was over at their house for lunch.

Louis rubbed his stomach with a smile. "Twenty-one weeks."

"Can't you find out the baby's gender by now?" Jesy asked as she bustled about the kitchen to make them BLTs. Louis's been craving bacon a lot lately.

"Yeah. I have an appointment set-up for Friday to find out," Louis replied. "Would you like to come with?"

Jesy smiled. "I'd love to. We can even get lunch after, if you'd like."

Louis chuckled. "Why is it that every time we hang out, we seem to be eating?"

"Because we're pigs," Jesy said before laughing. "I don't know. Maybe the little monster you're carrying associates me with food. They hear my voice and they're like 'Aunt Jesy means food!'"

Louis laughed. "Probably. You never know with this one."

There was a silence for a moment before Jesy sighed. "Have you picked out any names?"

Louis shook his head. "I haven't really thought about it."

"Well. You still have another four months. Don't sweat about it today, but. You know, the sooner the better," Jesy said.

Louis nodded before sighing himself. He ran a hand through his hair before speaking. "I know I say this a lot, but I'm scared. All my life, I've been dreaming of having kids with the love of my life. And now I'm pregnant...and don't even know the other father. What kind of dad is that? What will I say to my child when they ask me who their other parent is? I wouldn't know what to say!"

Jesy stopped cooking and went and sat next to Louis. "Louis William Tomlinson, you're going to be the best damn father to ever exist. Stop doubting yourself, you're going to be great. As for the whole 'other father' thing, just learn to accept it. Because a single father like you doesn't need a man. You're better without him."

Louis giggled quietly. "You're right! I'm going to be the best damn single father out there!"

"That's the spirit! By the way, your BLT is done," Jesy said with a wide smile.

"Ooh!" Louis said, hurrying into the kitchen and leaving a laughing Jesy on the couch.


"I hope it's a boy," Louis said for the umpteenth time as his doctor waved an ultrasound wand along his stomach.

She chuckled. "I believe you've already said that."

"Oh, I know. I'm just excited," Louis said, turning to grin over at Jesy, who smiled back.

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