Chapter Seven | Did You Wrong

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I did you wrong you did me wrong
I take you back you take me back
I did you wrong girl you did me wrong girl
I take you back I take you back, yea yea
No matta what you do, no matta what you say
No matta how far you go, dont take your love away
Because I love you and girl I want you
And girl I need you, so let's just work it out


"Are you ready to listen now?" I questions as I stared August down.

He shrugged. "Are you ready to tell the truth now?"

I sighed. "Look the only reason I didn't tell you is because I didn't want you to hate me. The one thing I was suppose to do while you were away was keep myself and our unborn baby safe and I couldn't even do that."

He frowned then stood up and took a step closer to me. It looked like he was about to console me but Trey beat him to it. "Baby girl it's okay. It's wasn't your fault." Trey mumbled as he wrapped his arms me.

August shifted his gaze from me to Trey then to me again before shaking his head and sitting back down.

I removed myself from Trey's embrace noticing how uncomfortable it made August.

August chuckled. "And you want me ta believe dat thea' ain't nothin' goin on between you too. Look at da way he's holdin' on ta you. You didn't 'een object or push him away."

"August it's nothing. He was just consoling me."

"I don't give a fuck what you wanna call it." He snapped as he stood up again. "He's holdin' you like I use too. Like he doesn't wanna let you go. I know how it feels ta have you in my arms. Ta not wanna let you go cause it feels like you belong dere. He might have you fooled but I know the truth."

I looked over at Trey wondering why he hadn't said anything yet. His face held a blank expression before he got up. "I think you two need so privacy." He glanced at me one more time before walking out the room.

I was getting fed up with all this shit that August was giving me. "Listen Anthony cause I'm only gong to explain this shit to you one time. Honestly I don't like taking about it but I know you need answer so listen and listen good."

I took a seat next to him and started talking. "Trey had been dating this chick named Tameka for about four months and she got pregnant. At six months she lost it." I paused taking a deep breath then started talking again. "She and the baby died durning child birth. August I didn't plan to but when he asked me I just couldn't say no. I knew exactly what he was going through."

"Asked you ta do what?" August questioned as he scooted closer to me.

"He asked me to have his baby. It-" he cut me off.

"So you did fuck him. Dats a fuckin' shame man all my niggas done been in you."

I frowned then raised my hand and slapped him. "Don't you dare try to make it seem like I fuck everyone. "You and Chris are the only people I have ever been with."

"Don't forget Trey."

"Will you just shut the fuck up and listen damn." I yelled as I stood up. "I didn't fuck Trey."

August laughed cutting me off again." You had his baby but didn't fuck him." He laughed again. "I was born at night but not last night."

"It was Artificial insemination. We didn't sleep together."

His smile dropped and his laughing stopped. "What?"

"Yes dummy. I would never cheat on you even tho we weren't together and I would never sleep with any of your friends. He wanted Amber to do it at first since I had recently lost our baby but she refused and Chris wouldn't let Kay do it. I was really his last choice."

August still looked confused. "So why would you lie to me about our baby."

I walked back over to where he was and sat down next to him. "I couldn't bring myself to tell you that. Especially while you were locked away. I just didn't wanna talk about it and for that I am sorry. I never should have lied to you."

He nodded then pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry I should have listened ta ya. I should have known dat you wasn't dat type of woman."

"It's okay Aug." I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I should have been here." He admitted as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I should have just been honest with you from the jump but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you. I thought that you might hate me for it."

"Hate you." He repeated as he pulled me onto his lap. He placed his index finger under my chin bringing my face closer to his. "Nun of dat was yo fault. You ain't know jus' like I ain't know dat it was gon' happen dat way. But baybeh we good. We gon' get through dis. I know God has a plan fa' us jus' trust me on dis."

I nodded as I laid my head on his chest and continued our conversation.

"So y'all good now?" Trey questioned as he walked back into the room.

I felt August Tense up behind me but remain quite. "Yeah were okay." I mumbled as I glanced back at August.

August gave me a small smirk. "I jus wanna know one thing ?"


"Where do we go from here?"

Y'all Met My Goal Early This Morning So Here Is Your Chapter. See How It Works. Help Me Help You.

Anyways I Need 14 Comments & 24 Votes For The Next Chapter.

Things Are About To Get A Little Crazy. Just Watch. Don't Believe Me Just Watch. Well Just Read.

But How Did Y'all Feel About The Way Trey Was Acting? Why Wasn't He Speaking Up For Himself?

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now