Chapter Twenty | All Night

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I found the truth beneath your lies
And true love never has to hide
Trade your broken wings for mine
I've seen your scars and kissed your crimes



"So I know the wedding is coming up and I would never wanna take the spot light off of that but I was just wondering if I could get your blessing of asking Amber to marry me at the rehearsal dinner."

Brianna paused almost dropping her phone as she sat down. "Umm, where did this come from?" Brianna questioned back confused.

"I been making plans for about two months now. I wanna purpose to her I just didn't know how. Until last night, that's when it hit me. That would be the perfect time. I didn't want to do it at the reception, I mean that's your day which is why I figured the rehearsal dinner would be perfect."

Brianna smiled softly even though he couldn't see her. "I love that idea. I'd have to run it by Aug of course, but I'm sure he'd be cool with it."

"Alright. Just hit me up later and tell me what he said."

"Alright. I'll ask him now." Brianna smiled as she watched August walk into there bedroom.

"Okay, call me back then."

Brianna quickly hung up then stood up. "I missed you all day."

"I missed you too baybeh." He smiled pulling her closer to him. "Gimmie kiss." Brianna stood on her tippy toes and pecked his lips repeatedly. "Gimmie tongue too." Brianna laughed opening her mouth slightly letting August deepen the kiss. "So how was the meeting with the wedding planner?"

"Great. We have a cake tasting Thursday and were going to look over venues."

"Oh yeah? Sounds dope." She nodded then sat back on the bed slightly pouting with out even realizing it. "What's wrong?" August questioned taking in her sad features.

"Nothing. I'm great." She smiled softly not wanting to talk about her breakdown earlier.

"You sure?"

"I said I'm fine August damn."

"You don't have to be honest with me. Fuck you too then. "August shook his head slightly then exited there room.

"Aug wait." She grabbed his arm quickly catching up to him. "I'm sorry, I'm just-" she paused rolling her eyes as she bit down on her bottom lip. "Karruche's pregnant."

August laughed then shrugged. "Who cares, you acting like it's by me." He quickly stopped laughing once he saw how hurt she looked. "You think it's by me?"

"No stupid." She sighed then hung her head in shame. "I wish it was me. I mean I know I had Trey Jr. right after I miscarried but that still doesn't take away from the baby I lost. Baby Trey is blessing but Trey isn't my man, he's not who I wanted to start a family with. Saying that out loud I feel like such a shitty person though."

My Boyfriend's Keeper | August A. & Aaliyah | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now